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Local church celebrates its 100th anniversary

The Estevan Church of Christ celebrated its history this weekend, with its 100th anniversary festivities. Approximately 200 people are expected to attend the activities.
Church of Christ 100th
Former pastor Steve Ennis, left, and current pastor Tim Pippus are among those at the 100th anniversary celebrations for the Estevan Church of Christ.

The Estevan Church of Christ celebrated its history this weekend, with its 100th anniversary festivities.

Approximately 200 people are expected to attend the activities. It started with a wiener roast and a picnic Friday night just outside of the city.

A social was held Saturday afternoon at the church, in which people could reminisce, enjoy tea and learn more about the church’s history.

“We have a whole bunch of pictures out, lots of old photo albums, and people have brought lots of memorabilia and things from the past for people to look at,” said Tim Pippus, who has been the church’s pastor for nearly 30 years.

A catered supper was served Saturday evening at the Beefeater Plaza, in which Pippus and several long-time church members shared their stories of the church’s history.

The weekend wrapped up Sunday morning with a church service.

“It’s basically just a big family reunion,” said Pippus.

A lot of work has gone into preparing for this event, and Pippus said it has been a lot of fun to look back on the history of the church. He has learned things about the church’s history during the preparations for the centennial.

He has also loved hearing stories from people about the church.  

Next week’s edition of the Mercury will have more on this story.