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Looking for genealogical information

Becky Bailey a resident of the United Kingdom has reached out attempting to find information concerning her Great Uncle Ernest Lionel East, known to the family as Lionel.
Family of Ernest Lionel East are searching for any information they can find regarding East and his family he had in Canada after immigrating to the country in 1921.

Becky Bailey a resident of the United Kingdom has reached out attempting to find information concerning her Great Uncle Ernest Lionel East, known to the family as Lionel.

East was born in 1901 to Ernest Gerald East and Bertha Emma Ballinger both of Gloucestershire, England. He grew up in a family with two sisters and seven brothers.

In 1921 East left England for Canada. He had an uncle in the country and hoped to work as a farm hand for him. Leaving England on the Minnedosa he arrived in Quebec where his immigration form was processed by the Dominion Government.

During World War II Lionel enlisted in the Canadian army and was stationed in England. He was able to visit his family again in Gloucestershire. Following the war he returned to Canada.

According to a relative East was married and had children. Saskatchewan was his last known area of residence and Bailey is looking for any information she can find regarding her Great Uncle.

"I have been researching my family tree for a year now and have got back to 1684 with the East side of the family, most of who have come from Gloucestershire," Bailey explained.

If anyone has any information please contact Becky Bailey at