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School year excitement warrants extra attention on roads

September is a month filled with excitement and change for children in school. It's also a time for motorists to take extra caution when driving through school zones.
Motorists yield to the extended stop arm after school at Haig on September 3.

September is a month filled with excitement and change for children in school. It's also a time for motorists to take extra caution when driving through school zones.

"Motorists should watch more carefully and pay extra attention around school zones," says Weyburn Police Services Constable Gilbert Madsen.

Kids, especially the younger ones are excited to be going to school and may not be taking the proper precautions crossing the street, which means motorists need to be on the lookout for these small children.

During peak traffic times, in the morning, at lunch and after school, school zones become congested with vehicles, pedestrians and school buses.

"The safest place for parents and kids to cross the street is at a crosswalk and we encourage parents to teach their kids to use the safety patrol," said Madsen.

Along with watching for children, motorists also should be aware of the stop arm on the buses. When the arm is extended, motorists should not pass.

Madsen said the fine for passing through an extended stop arm is the same as running a stop sign at an intersection.