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Showing off the prize lobster at Lobsterfest

Rotarian Bruce Kwochka has some fun teasing Claudia Lenferna, centre, with the prize giant lobster, which was up to be won in a raffle draw at the Rotary Club's annual Lobsterfest, held Saturday evening at the Legion Hall.

Rotarian Bruce Kwochka has some fun teasing Claudia Lenferna, centre, with the prize giant lobster, which was up to be won in a raffle draw at the Rotary Club's annual Lobsterfest, held Saturday evening at the Legion Hall. Watching at left are Peter and Joanne Jensen; Claudia's sister Olivia is currently on a Rotary student exchange in France. The Rotary Club sold just over 250 tickets for the supper, held as a fundraiser, and there were a number of draws and raffles. The proceeds of the supper event will go to support the Rotary's many community and international projects, and youth programs like the exchange program.