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Students for hire to raise funds for mission trip

Teacher Therese Durston and other adult chaperones will be travelling to the Dominican Republic along with 55 Grade 11 and 12 Christian Ethics students from Weyburn, Estevan and Radville, to participate in a mission trip with "Dominican Experience".

Teacher Therese Durston and other adult chaperones will be travelling to the Dominican Republic along with 55 Grade 11 and 12 Christian Ethics students from Weyburn, Estevan and Radville, to participate in a mission trip with "Dominican Experience". This educational program allows young people from secondary schools to live for seven days in the Dominican world, where they will be exposed to slums, orphanages, schools, bateyes, fare trade, etc. During their experience, they will be living either with Dominican families or in a parish hall in the community. The students will have the opportunity to understand the daily life of men and women in San Pedro de Macoris.

Weyburn Comprehensive School Christian Ethics students are having a fundraiser to raise money for their Christian Ethics Mission Trip.

"We are a community, and as such do not want money to be the reason why any of our fellow classmates cannot experience this trip," said Therese Durston. "Let our community serve your community and help us raise the money we need for our trip."

The Christian Ethics group will be holding a Service Day in Weyburn from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 22. Supporters can donate money to the mission trip fund in exchange for the students' services. Any yard work, housework, vehicles to be cleaned, or other work that students can do in exchange for the means to make their trip can be booked by calling the Holy Family School Division office at 842-7075. One must leave a name, phone number, address and job description. Of the earnings from the service day, five percent will be donated to Communithon to help build the community of Weyburn.

Also, to "serve" your stomach, the group is selling homemade perogies for $5 per dozen and cabbage rolls for $10 per dozen. Orders can be left in the collection boxes at St. Dominic Savio School, St. Michael's Junior High, Weyburn Comprehensive School, the Holy Family School Division office or St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church.

For a tax receipt, make cheques out to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and write "Christian Ethics Mission Trip" in the memo line.