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Beautifully unfair situations

Many children’s sports teams no longer keep score during their games because they do not want to end up with “winners” and “losers.

Many children’s sports teams no longer keep score during their games because they do not want to end up with “winners” and “losers.” 

While I understand what they are trying to do, the reality is that, at some point, everyone must face the fact that life is not always fair and even. Some get more and some get less.

The questions then become, “If God is so good, why doesn’t he make sure everyone is treated the same? Why is life unfair?”

I certainly do not have all the answers, but let me give you two thoughts that may help you to at least see this unfairness in a different light.

First, things are uneven because we are unique. If everyone was exactly the same, it would be easy to make sure life was fair and equitable. However, Psalm 139 reminds that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (verse 14) in exactly the way God wanted us to be and that means that each of us will have our own skills, talents and experiences. 

We all start from different places and we are on our own journey. Each of those journeys can be good, but they cannot be the same.

Second, the unfair parts of life provide an opportunity for us to serve one another. In fact, God’s people are commanded to, “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless [and] maintain the rights of poor and oppressed” (Psalm 82:3). 

James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” 

It seems that God is not happy about unfair things either, and he is waiting for us to do something about them.

Ultimately, at the end of time, God will make things right. Until then, that job belongs to you and me. Therefore, when you see injustice, it is a call action. When you notice something that is unfair, it is your chance to step in and show the love of God.

This will not fix everything, right all the wrongs or offer much comfort to the broken-hearted. However, bad things can be made better when we simply choose to run toward those who are in need rather than away from them.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), and, of course, lights are best seen in the dark.