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Candle light dinner for five

Wednesday night at our house was a normal summer night. The kids had spent the day enjoying popsicles, water gun fights, lazy moments in the hammock and simply bathing in the uncomplicated life of a child.

Wednesday night at our house was a normal summer night. The kids had spent the day enjoying popsicles, water gun fights, lazy moments in the hammock and simply bathing in the uncomplicated life of a child. Our deck doors were flung wide open, the music was playing and summer was truly in full swing. Dinner was on the go, the BBQ was on and I was putting the finishing touches on a new salad I had concocted. Life felt great, it was full of fun, laughter and the richness of family.

For those of you, who have either read my articles or listened to my radio show, you know that I am passionate about families gathering around the kitchen/dining table and eating together. Most nights we make this happen, simply because we have made the choice to juggle and arrange our after school activities and summer fun around our meals. By doing this we allow ourselves good quality time together every day throughout the year. We've made the choice (in our home) to not hyper-schedule our kids or our family for that matter. Meals together take priority, as we believe it is the one time of the day when we, as a family, come together and calm down. We discuss the day, talk about the great things, the challenges, the fun, the not so fun and everything in between. Meal times are precious and protected.

Tonight, I decided that I would add a few touches to the table. As the BBQ sizzled away I quickly grabbed a table cloth, some candles and began to set the table in a special way, incorporating that summer feeling. It was easy to do and I knew the impact on the family would be rewarding. Dinner was nice. It was a simple Greek chicken recipe complete with veggies and my new salad. It wasn't anything flashy but with the few additions to the table the meal became something more.

I marvelled at what happened at our table through the conversation and the laughter. I was once again reminded about the importance of coming together around the dining table. So much is taught and caught while sitting together and eating. Tonight at our table memories were made. Philip and I laughed with the kids, corrected them at times and quietly reminded them, simply by example, how to use their napkins, place their forks and in one case even how to chew. These moments can't be forgotten or over looked in our busy lives.

Crazy things can and do happen at a dinner table when three hungry and excited kids plus parents gather. Here are just a few from our dinner tonight:

1) We discovered that veggies do fly out of mouths when laughing at a big brother while he's making a funny voice and trying to chew at the same time.

2) Salad end up in a glass of milk that requires a helping hand to fish it out. Then of course, reassurance that the milk is not contaminated and that it does not need replacing is required for a tired six-year-old.

3) A few tears are shed when food gets caught between the wires of braces and the frustration of seemingly endless orthodontist visits is expressed by a 13-year-old. Although these tears quickly turn to fits of laughter when someone at the table cracks yet another joke.

4) Napkins fall to the ground, sauce is spilled on the table cloth and the candles serve as temptation as little hands gravitate towards the burning wax and the flickering flame. Grammar is corrected without them realizing, consideration and prayers for the child at school who's struggling are shared. All of this and so much more happens when families come together, calm down and turn off all of the outside sound bites.

This is just a glimpse of the richness we as a family carve out for ourselves every night. In these times, we learn from our children and our children learn from us. The dining table is where conversation flows freely and where joy and laughter walk hand-in-hand. Can I encourage you to clear off the table, set it with a little flare, cook a simple meal and invite your family to the table? You won't regret it. Summer is the perfect time to dine alfresco and enjoy the long evenings that turn into fire pit nights and star gazing opportunities. Try not to miss them ... just remember to keep our Saskatchewan summer scent at the ready. What am I referring to? Off, Deet ... whatever your preference.