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Cheers and Jeers for Nov. 29

Cheers to the City of Estevan for bringing in the great concert with The Offspring and SUM 41 this past weekend. It was one of the more memorable concerts we’ve had in Estevan.

Cheers to the City of Estevan for bringing in the great concert with The Offspring and SUM 41 this past weekend. It was one of the more memorable concerts we’ve had in Estevan.

Cheers to the great snowmen we’ve seen in the community over the past week. Encouraging to see some people making good use of all this snow.

Cheers to the Estevan Farmers Market for the start of their Christmas sales at the mall. They are a great chance to get some shopping done.

Cheers to Estevan Police Service Sgt. Tyler McMillen and Estevan Fire Chief Dale Feser who took time out of their busy schedules to visit the Mary’s Little Lambs Preschool. The children love this part of the program and are always excited to meet these men in uniform.

Cheers to everybody who supported the Operation Christmas Child campaign in the Estevan area this year, and fill shoeboxes for children around the world.


Jeers to the city for all of the new four-way stops. They are very environmentally unfriendly as all vehicles have to stop instead of slowing to yield. They also cause a danger as people start to assume that all stop signs are four-way stops.

Jeers to the people who push the snow from their driveways into the street. It’s illegal and it creates a hazard for motorists.

Jeers to those who have not cleared the snow from their sidewalks yet. It’s been more than a week since that storm. And now we’re getting more snow, creating even more problems.

Jeers to the motorists who still insist on using the Estevan fire hall’s parking lot as a through road. Use the back alley or another way to get from 13th Avenue to Souris Avenue North.