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CT Scan a vital need

The Editor: I don't think some people fully understand why there is an urgent need to have a CT scan available in our city.

The Editor:

I don't think some people fully understand why there is an urgent need to have a CT scan available in our city.

Strokes are a major cause of deaths or disabilities but can often be treated with success if the treatment is started in two to three hours time. First, a doctor has to determine if the stroke is caused by a clot or a bleed. While both are strokes, the treatment is completely different. The type of stroke is diagnosed by either a CT scan or an MRI.

At present the closest CT scanner is in Regina, too far a distance to have a stroke diagnosed and treated within the recommended time period. Furthermore, having a CT scanner at our hospital might make it easier to recruit and retain more doctors.

Ray Worsnop,
Estevan, Sask.