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Discovering secret boards

Two important topics this week: Mindless relaxation It's getting stressful with school.

Two important topics this week:

Mindless relaxation

It's getting stressful with school. Major projects are coming up all at the same time and everyone in my class is slowly turning to booze, panic attacks and illegal drug use (don't worry, Dad, not my thing). I'm back to my usual stress habits: Cleaning, baking and eating chocolate chips out of the bag. I've also discovered a few new tricks to calm my mind.

1) Read mindless celebrity gossip. When my brain is in a haze, I turn to Perez Hilton and his world of celebrity garbage. Nothing I learn on this blog has a positive impact on my life, nor does it improve the world around me as a whole. The material is also something I can't really discuss with anyone I see on a regular basis, since my classmates tend to be way cooler than I am and don't waste their time reading gossip. But it's so calming. I mean, I may have an eight-minute video to film this week and an investigative story to finish by Thursday, but Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up and Kristen Stewart wore a see-through dress to the premier of Breaking Dawn: Part 2. Clearly I'm not the only one struggling to get through each day.

2) Pinterest now has secret boards. That's right, kids, now you can post the million cat memes you love without your friends or followers knowing it! That's a whole new, fun level of crazy that I'm excited to dig my way into. Not that I'm pinning anything too crazy ... like wedding stuff. Not that you'll ever know ... because the boards are secret.

Roommate number five

I'm looking for my fifth and final roommate. I know, you're probably thinking, "Tonaya, why do you keep needing roommates? Are you really so difficult to live with?" And to that I say, no, I'm generally pretty agreeable. I wash the dishes. I like to bake. I don't like toothpaste spots on the bathroom faucet. And I'm passive aggressive, so you'd never know I was angry with you unless you checked social media.

Anyways the current roommate is leaving to study in Europe next semester, which sounds cool to me, but leaves me with a room to fill and half the rent to cover. Unfortunately, she's not planning on leaving until February, and I plan on graduating in April, which really leaves me stuck finding someone to move in for just three months. So if you're interested, you should get hold of me. (I acknowledge that I may have Taylor Swift syndrome - blind refusal to accept that I may be the problem.)

The ultimate solution would be for Chelsea Kawecki to just move back in. Chelsea also eats chocolate chips out of the bag, follows celebrity gossip, reads stupid novels and appreciates all forms of Ryan Gosling. Chelsea, I miss you. Please come back.

Tonaya Marr can be reached by e-mail at or on Twitter @TonayaMarr. She might not reply quickly because she's swamped in homework and is super forgetful. But she loves hearing from you!