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Extend this attitude well into the next year

What about extending this feeling of peace and goodwill? Our wish for you this Christmas season is for an extension of all these warm feelings we have for one another at this particular time of year.

What about extending this feeling of peace and goodwill?

Our wish for you this Christmas season is for an extension of all these warm feelings we have for one another at this particular time of year. We sincerely wish we had the power to ensure that you could keep them intact through the long days of January and well into April and beyond that, even when you're handed challenges you never requested or difficult news that you don't know how to handle.

It would be wonderful if we could retain these spillover positive feelings toward our fellow man and woman well into the new year and continue right through.

Unfortunately, we know that this is impossible. We understand that sometime during the next 12 months we will all be pulled back into the reality that is our lives and that means we will all have to encounter something that won't be associated with peace and love but rather a stark reality or negative challenge whether it be health, financial or social. But then, that is why we are here. We are here to solve problems, serve our families and friends, look after one another and face the future with a smile of confidence. At least that's what the script says.

But we all know that isn't going to be possible. In fact there are a vast number of people who don't even feel this huge feeling of goodwill even during the yule season for a variety of reasons. For them, this season is a struggle of survival, not celebration. The reasons for this lack of celebration could be varied, but if the rest of us are tuned in, we'll acknowledge this fact and perhaps lend a hand in getting them through it. That, in itself, might be reason enough to turn a negative into a positive. In other words, sometimes the greatest gift of all is the gift of time and attention that we can give to someone else. And it doesn't have to be gift wrapped.

We're here for a reason and sometimes we have to acknowledge that maybe we're not here just to provide cash to buy an iPod or the newest video game ... that perhaps we're here for a slightly greater purpose that has nothing to do with material items.

Just remember it's the people you surround yourself with at this time of year, not the items that are important to you. Maybe with that in mind, we can carry this feeling of goodwill forward and well beyond January and April.

Maybe this is the year of the Christmas turnaround.

We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and/or a wonderful season of joy and contributions.
Trust us when we say that any joy or positive feedback you provide will be returned to you twofold.