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Federal election means just more of the same

Eastern voters don't get it, and don't care about the West
Federal Election 2021 Getty
Canadian federal election 2021

Another federal election is in the books, and what have we done? What was accomplished by it?

The answer: absolutely nothing.

Over $600 million was spent by Justin Trudeau for an election that was absolutely not needed, and all that resulted is he is once again in power with a minority government, with only minor changes in seat numbers.

This in itself begs the question, why was this election even called? As was pointed out during the campaign, it was called during the fourth wave of the pandemic, and Canada was in the midst of getting people out of Afghanistan, not to mention there are some serious financial problems going on in this country – all of these were far, far more important than this unnecessary election.

In addition, there is the whole concept of people in the Maritimes and in Ontario who, in spite of the corruptness and lack of ethics of Justin Trudeau, re-elected him to government. How? Why?

What right-thinking person is looking at their ballots and deciding that Trudeau has any right to be in power again?

There has long been a problem with how elections are held in this country, particularly when you look at the distribution of seats. The GTA, just for one example, has over 50 seats, while the entire province of Saskatchewan has only 14. Guess who decides this election?

The division in this country was deepened by this election, as it is quite clear that people in Central and Eastern Canada do not know anything about the West, and like Trudeau and his Liberals, do not care one iota about the West.

The first words out of Trudeau’s mouth on Monday night was a blatant lie: “I hear you …,” he said.

The son of Pierre Elliot said the same thing two years ago when he was first handed a minority, with an absolutely clear message from the West when not one Liberal was elected in Alberta or Saskatchewan.

He said he would listen to the concerns that people here have, and he turned around to stab them in the back with anti-energy policies, and with a punitive carbon tax to suck money out of the West with no thought whatsoever to helping the environment as he claims he’s doing.

That was just for starters – the list of how he’s hurt the West, and Canada, is much, much longer than that.

For Eastern voters, they don’t get it, and they don’t care.

Fine – but how does that explain re-electing a man who should be prosecuted for corruption and ethics violations? There is no justification for continuing to vote for a man who has shown he has no integrity, and has no clue what fiscal restraint even means with a huge, monstrous debt that will now just keep growing and growing.

It’s hard to see how an election that has changed nothing is going to be positive for Canada.