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Input needed on recycling

The City of Estevan has some big decisions to make in the relatively near future and are asking for your help to make them. As you may have heard once or twice, recycling has become something of a big issue in our world.

The City of Estevan has some big decisions to make in the relatively near future and are asking for your help to make them. As you may have heard once or twice, recycling has become something of a big issue in our world. Estevan, like a number of communities, is quite a ways behind the curve on the recycling front.

Yes, we do have a fantastic Sarcan operation in the city, but when it comes to other items like paper and tin cans, we are not doing a great job. The recycling depot on Sixth Street is well used but it's not a viable long term option. Which brings us to the decision you are being asked to help make. The City has expressed interest in the creation of a curbside recycling program in Estevan.

Although the details haven't been spelled out just yet, if we were to go by other centres there likely would be a couple of bins, one for paper and the other for cans and such. Although they are important, the details aren't the critical factor quite yet. The bigger question that must be answered is do Estevan residents want curb side recycling in the first place?

Thus far the opinion has been somewhat mixed. Those who are in favour of it are adamant this needs to happen in the city. There are also those who are against the idea. In the middle is a large portion of residents who have yet to express an opinion either way. Those are the people that need to make their voice heard. We know the opinion of those on both sides of the question, but the City needs to hear from the public at large if they are to make an informed decision.

It's expected that a public meeting will be held before too long. Past City consultation meetings were so well attended they could have been held in a passenger van. That cannot happen this time around. This is an important decision and the public needs to get out and voice their opinion. Before the meeting, details on the program will be released in these pages and elsewhere. Get yourself informed and make your opinion known to the City or your members of council.

They know this is a big deal and they want to hear from you. There is another matter that is also likely to generate some strong opinions - garbage pick up. Due to public outcry, the council of the day caved in and agreed to back alley pick up.

It has turned out to be a massive inconvenience for everyone from the contractor to the City to a number of residents. There has been interest expressed in going to full time front yard pick up. Again the city is asking for public input, which is wise after the last garbage fight. The City has been somewhat fairly criticized in the past for a lack of consultation on important matters.

They are taking the opposite approach this time and giving the community every chance to have their say. Don't waste this chance.