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Knowing is doing...unfortunately

Jennifer's Journal

There is nothing quite as nice as being blissfully unaware. This is how I spent my time, as of late, in regards to my waterlogged basement.

I had left the country and the continent in fact, with a dry basement. Upon my return, I was warned of a little water trouble but was told not to be alarmed as the puddle was localized to one corner and easily sucked up with the shop vac. I happily heeded this advice and did not even give it another thought.

After several more days of rain, however, I could tell the situation was becoming more dire. I finally decided to swallow my fear and delve into the murky depths of the basement. It was worse than I expected.

Leaving the basement, and the shop vac, for a few hours during a rather heavy downpour had not been favourable. The water was spreading - and fast!

I was forced to jump into action, and for anyone who knows me, this means panic mode! After a lot of hard work emptying the basement, sucking up the water and cleaning up the mess I was tired and sore and no longer happily ignorant of the basement situation.

I have discovered that this is how a lot of people like to live, in a state of ignorance. People like to wear their lack of knowledge like a badge of honour when it comes to some things.

I have even heard people bragging about their ignorance, especially when it relates to technology. Statements like, "I do not compute," "I don't DO Facebook" and "I don't even know what Twitter is," do not earn you bragging rights! I think that if you want to brag about something it should be about what you do know, not what you don't.

Another example is those who avoid the news. The reported news can be depressing; tragedies, big and small, can happen every day. But being unaware of what goes on in your town, your country, and your world is no way to live.

It's just like my basement. Sure, I was happier before I knew what was really going on down there but necessary work had to be done. Even a small amount of water can cause permanent damage and leave a lasting odour.

Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power!