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Lowering drinking age a bad idea

The Editor: I have almost always voted Conservative in provincial and national elections and have never been a single issue voter. But, if Brad Wall and the Sask. Party lowers the drinking age to 18, I will vote against them in the next election.

The Editor:

I have almost always voted Conservative in provincial and national elections and have never been a single issue voter. But, if Brad Wall and the Sask. Party lowers the drinking age to 18, I will vote against them in the next election. I will for once be a one-issue voter.

Allen Blakeney said while he was our premier, "there is a proven correlation between the accessibility of alcohol and the problems of auto accidents, crime and alcoholism. We should do nothing to encourage the use of alcohol."

Unfortunately, Mr. Blakeney did not mention any of the other dozens of problems associated with alcohol. The restrictions on alcohol are there with good reason. It is a dangerous product and I'll always vote against it.

Daryl Tucker,