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Pass the Potatoes Please

Many or most of you know that my passion is family. I grew up in a great family and we lived in a wonderful home. Our home was one that was created and specifically designed to grow a strong family.

Many or most of you know that my passion is family. I grew up in a great family and we lived in a wonderful home. Our home was one that was created and specifically designed to grow a strong family. With that goal in mind, my parents worked tirelessly to make sure our needs (physical, emotional and spiritual) were met. In meeting our needs, they also made sure that fun was a huge component to our healthy living.
One of my favourite family memories surrounds mealtimes. You see we ate almost every meal together. Meals were a priority in our home and everything, including four kids' busy schedules, Dad's work plus running a farm, was balanced around that almost sacred time called dinner/supper.
Due to the teaching, training and my experience as a child, this is something I have brought into my family. I recognize how important it was for my family to gather around the table and in hindsight can see the benefits from it. Now, with my young family we do just that, we come together, calm down and simply enjoy one another amidst all the craziness life can throw at us.
As a child, at mealtimes, we would talk about our days, share the ups, the downs and everything in between. It was also a time where discipline was given. Childhood/Teenage foibles were shared openly and there were no "side deals" going on when it came to correction. The younger children had the opportunity to learn from the older one's mistakes. Being number three child in the family does have its benefits! Additionally we learned a lot about manners, what is acceptable and what is not; we also learned the art of communication through engagement and sometimes just politely listening. The table was our family classroom without us knowing it.
As a mother, I have come to appreciate the effort my mother went to in order to get a meal on the table every night. We all know what a challenge it can be. As an example, tonight is one of my busiest nights (in terms of kids' activities). It is busy because today requires taxiing to school starting at 6:30 a.m. for volleyball practice, then another round of kids being dropped off at 8 a.m., followed by two volleyball games after school plus piano and art lessons and then, of course, the homework. Needless to say, today is my busy day - thankfully the rest of the week is much calmer.
With this in mind, my focus is on dinner. How will I accommodate these schedules and make sure our family comes together around the dining table?
I will make this happen simply because it is a priority in my life and I know the lasting benefits and the unspeakable joy that dinner with my family brings. I will make it happen because this busy day in my week hasn't caught me by surprise, it's like this every week and it's a matter of me being organized and prioritizing. It will happen because on days like this, I choose not to go "gourmet" and push boundaries. No, today will be a soul-food day. It will be a meal that I can pull together with ease and one that will be nutritious and full of goodness. It will most likely be a family favourite and one that I know my children will gobble down as soon as the dinner hits the table.
So friends, I encourage you to gather your family around the table. If you are doing this already, then well done and please keep it up. If you have slipped and find that you are eating in front of the computer or the television or perhaps everyone is spread around the house, why not try and bring everyone together? I promise you will enjoy the conversation, you will reconnect and this will be a time in the day you look forward to rather than dread.
Next week I'll share some of our favourite family room fall recipes. They are yummy, super easy and as always have been tried and tested on our families and have been approved from ages two to 82.
Enjoy your week and pass the potatoes, please!