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Please fix a growing problem

The Editor: I am heartbroken today. Last week I pulled into my parking space at home just after dark to see a mama cat with one of her kittens run into the bushes beside my backyard shed. Turns out she has at least four kittens there ...

The Editor:

I am heartbroken today. Last week I pulled into my parking space at home just after dark to see a mama cat with one of her kittens run into the bushes beside my backyard shed.

Turns out she has at least four kittens there ... possibly more.

I have spent the last 24 hours in a state of absolute devastation (as an animal lover). I have been trapping kittens to be taken to our already to full Humane Society by our local bylaw officer who is all too familiar with this scenario. As I write this, I have caught three, but I know for sure there is at least one more, not to mention the beautiful mama cat that is devastated and looking for her babies, (she's a baby herself). I need to catch her the most, hopefully she isn't already expecting another litter.

There are so many homeless cats right now. Tiny kittens are found in sheds, backyards, and on the side of the road. These suffering homeless kittens would not be alone in the world right now if only some pet owners had taken the time to fix their cats. But because people didn't have the time, the money, or the brains to get their cats neutered or spayed, too many kittens have been born into this world with not enough homes to provide for them. If only people would fix their pets. It would take so very little to ease so much suffering.

Irresponsible pet owners go on allowing their cats to have babies, taking up space in homes that could have been used for cats that are already homeless. If you don't get your cat fixed and she gets pregnant, it takes only one time to produce up to nine kittens. What would you do with them? Could you take care of them yourself? Would you be able to find homes for them all? Even if you did place them in homes, would they be safe there?

Please don't be selfish. Think about your pet's welfare and the welfare of your own cat. Spay or neuter your pet today. When you allow your animal to have babies, you are directly causing other stray animals to die without even getting the chance for a home. Think about it. The consequences of your actions determine weather many tiny kittens have a chance at life. Honour your cat and the lives of homeless cats everywhere - GET YOUR PET FIXED!

Many claim they cannot afford this ... how much does it cost to get a large pizza delivered? Around $25? Or two tickets to the movie theatre? For the cost of one evening for yourself, you could get your pet fixed, saving its life, and the lives of so many homeless animals everywhere. When you look at the shelter populations of unwanted pets, you must know that is too expensive not to spay or neuter your pet!

Pets are a big responsibility. I have a 15-year-old cat that I got as a kitten that had been abandoned and was found by a friend of mine. My cat now has medical issues which, ironically, are getting worse in the midst of the kitten fiasco. Yes, she has been expensive. I did have her fixed way back when and now as her health deteriorates I am trying desperately to figure out what is wrong with her and how to get her well. This requires money too. She's worth every penny. She's my friend always, she's seen me through college, moving to a different province, career starts, career ends, breakups, throw ups, meeting the man of my dreams, bringing baby home, good days and bad days she is my constant. She's worth every penny.

If you do decide to adopt, the Humane Society would sure like to see you. And my little mutt has been as good as any purebred out there!

Roxy Blackmore,
Estevan, Sask.