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"Rejuvenation Part 1"

Marna's Musings

You don't need fancy science labs to prove that rejuvenation is no myth. All things are possible and anyone who disagrees has become too accepting of the status quo.

We can all agree that weight loss is an example of a rejuvenation process. We all know that the more wisely we approach weight loss, the more authentic the results. But have you ever thought that maybe radical self-healing could be possible through similar practices?

Now, I'm certainly not talking about drinking weight loss shakes and taking the dog around an extra block while having an extra smoke. What I am talking about is bringing oneself back from "unhealthy" to a state of vibrancy without causing the body any harm.

There are two key physical elements in the process of rejuvenation. Cleaning and feeding.

Weight loss will continue to be the example I use in Part 2 when I focus on cleansing. But first we need to embrace the hope for humanity that I lovingly call Superfoods.

They say that super foods make super humans. Therefore, I consider it my super hero duty to share what I have learned in my 15 years of research and experience. My passion is natural health and alternative paradigms of thought concerning humankind and our wholistic reality.

Everything is connected. We come from Earth, we go back to Earth. One fact that we cannot escape as long as we have three-dimensional bodies is, you are what you eat.

We are all a result of what we ate and what we thought about ourselves in the past. But we can always create something new of ourselves.

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." This is famous quote by a wellness leader and author, Ann Wigmore. She founded the Hippocrates Institute and focused her career on teaching methods of proper nourishment.

Some say that all cooked food is poison. Author and researcher David Wolfe, the world's leading nutrition and health expert, doesn't eat any food heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Wolfe has been eating only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for nearly 20 years. His parents were both medical doctors, so he saw many repeatedly sick, 'uncurable' people while he was growing up. His quest for vibrant health led him into a lifestyle that he has made popular through his research and experience. Perhaps people scoff at the raw lifestyle because we have been taught to do things a certain way.

Habits are powerful. As Margaret Mead says, "It's easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet." This applies to men and women, by the way.

I have gone through times of great discipline and have even enjoyed times when I was 80 to 100 per cent raw vegan. But unless we've suffered enough, most of us don't want to make changes in the way we eat. That is why all of the greats suggest adding-in more nutrient-dense foods. The more wholesome our food, the better we feel.

I'm so excited to get to share this with my readers.

Not only has David Wolfe been an ideal representative for the raw food movement, he has also spent the time and resources necessary to make raw cacao (pronounced ka-kow), also known as raw chocolate, available to the world.

All chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao fruit, which grows in tropical jungles. Cacao seeds are on the short list of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. I have personally been making my own chocolate from the cacao 'beans' for five years and prior to that I just munched on them for nutritional benefits, without realizing how easy it was to make my own chocolate treats!

David Wolfe calls cacao the future of medicine because of the antioxidants and minerals, which enable the multitude of other beneficial chemical constituents to be taken up by the body. The presence of the bliss chemical, anandamide, in chocolate is why fifty per cent of women prefer chocolate to sex and why we crave chocolate when we need nutrients. Real chocolate IS nutrients.

Cacao is, therefore, considered a super food. The only other two I'm going to mention this time are goji berries and hemp seeds.

Gojis have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Interestingly, they can also be grown on any continent and they contain all five tastes. The tongue requires sweet, salty, bitter, sour and pungent in order to be satisfied, which makes gojis taste good to everyone. They contain loads of antioxidants, more vitamin C than oranges, more beta carotene than carrots and a good amount of dietary fibre. They also go very well within raw chocolate treats and kids love them.

Hemp seeds contain what we all need for rejuvenation, including every single raw amino acid necessary for growth and the essential fatty acids in the perfect ratio for humans. Hemp protein is a life saver because many essential amino acids in most protein-rich foods are bound up during the cooking process.

Foods that give us everything we need, including bio-photon energy from the sun, are absolutely rejuvenating to every person and animal. It's never too late to add in some things that enrich our lives, is it?

We are more than half way to rejuvenation because food is, as David Wolf says, 'where the rubber hits the road.' In two weeks I'll have some information on cleansing and maybe we can all do a cleanse together, build a beach in Weyburn and flaunt our bikini bods for each other. Perhaps.

May you find sweetness in your goji berries and honey in your tea.