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Who's parenting these days?

Maybe That's Just Me

First off...I feel very blessed to have many friends and acquaintances who took the time to comment on my column from last week. After some very good input and advice, I have decided to do this week's column on parenting and social networking. I thought I would keep my columns light and funny but unfortunately, sometimes you just need to vent.

Secondly...I am blessed to have three great children and feel even though I had my share of trying times (and still am) they turned out pretty good. (Yeah I know.....what I don't know, blah, blah, blah). That said, the parents who use the "divorced family" excuse to lessen their parental duties, is a total cop out. It's hard work either way but it should be about the well being of the's that simple.

Now some of you aren't going to like what I have to say but I think most of you will know what I'm talking about and hopefully support my ramblings or at least understand where I'm coming from. Unfortunately, some parents and a lot of kids don't get it. Now don't get me wrong. I know how tough it is to be a parent in this world today, but where did all the lessons from our childhood go? I think most of us turned out okay yet we feel we want better than what we had and stray from the good parenting skills our Mom and Dad showed us. Letting kids eat when and what they want, come home when they want, do their homework (if they even do that anymore) when they want, go wherever they want with whomever they want IS NOT WORKING. I swear some parents think if they put their kid on the pill and give them a cell phone, their parenting work is covered. That is the new form of babysitting! Are you kidding me? Kids in elementary school DO NOT NEED A CELL PHONE....PERIOD! Do like the good old days and find out where your kids are and set a time when they should be home. Know where they are going and who they are hanging out with. Don't just give them a cell phone so you can "text" them when you want them home or to see what they are doing....ridiculous!

Now some of these kids are entering the work force and have no clue how to communicate, co-operate or work in general. News flash are not doing your kids any good by doing their work for them or not disciplining them because you want them to like you. You are not suppose to be their are their parent and it is your job to make sure they are ready to enter adulthood. This is not helping them. I have heard of kids making up, breaking up, fighting with, telling off people, etc, etc. via text. They have no clue how to get along with people as there are no emotions connected to a text. They can't see the tears in your eyes or the redness in your face on a text. This is not good. Now if they actually have to get a job instead of their parents continuously giving them money, they have no people or social skills at all because of texting.

You may say...she's just an old bag and isn't "with it". Well you know, I'm okay with that because I've witnessed first hand what it's like to hire these kids and the frustration as an employer. The risk far outweighs any reward you get as a parent in the long run. They don't respect you and their friends don't respect you, so if that's not important to you, then continue right on what you're doing because you just don't get it anyway.

To the parents who still demand respect and their children know who the boss know what I'm talking about and hats off to you. You have my respect and many other adults and employers who struggle with this every day.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that as parents, it is our responsibility to prepare the next generation for life after home. Let's keep that in mind because they will be taking care of us in our golden years. Now if that doesn't scare you into making some changes, nothing will, lol (to us baby boomers, that's laugh out loud in texting terms).

Well that's week two. If you have any comments or would like to vent about something, zip me an email. I'd love to hear from you. Pet-peeve of the week. When I push the elevator button and then someone comes up beside me and proceeds to push the button NUMEROUS times. Can they not clearly see the button is lit for one thing and the elevator won't come any faster with continuous stabbing at the lit button! Jeez. That's just me...let me know what you think! TTYL!