40 Development Assets - Search institute has identified the following building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Commitment to Learning
Achievement Motivation: Young person is motivated to do well in school.
School Engagement: Young person is actively engaged in learning.
Fun Activities at the Public Library on Monday, January 28th. (No School this day). From 10 AM NOON: Children ages 0 Kindergarten and their families are invited to drop in and play fun games, read stories and make crafts. Each family will receive a free book as a Literacy Day gift.
From 1 PM 3PM: For the older kids, Grades 1 6 and their families, try out your skills at our MINUTE TO WIN IT challenge. We will have a host of unique one minute challenges for you and your family to try. Earn points and win great literacy day prizes!
Dress Up Day!! On January 31st, the SRC is having another spirit day! On this day, the kids are encouraged to dress up as anything that ends in "er" or "or"! (For example: Farmer, Doctor, Hockey Player, etc.) Be as creative as you want to be!!
Miss Hillman has accepted a position in Wawota, and her last day at CES will be February 1st. We wish Miss Hillman all the best in her new position there! Mrs. Bloomfield, who has been filling the LST (Learning Support Teacher) position will be taking over Grade 3. We have a new teacher, Miss Yuhasz, coming to fill the LST position February 1st.
Mr. Langman, who was interning in the grade 4 classroom with Mr. Perry, has returned to the University of Regina for his final semester of education classes. We wish Mr. Langman all the best in his future teaching career! Miss Lamontagne has completed her work placement at CES as part of her schooling with SIAST. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors!
Please remember to dress kids for the cold weather! They need to get outside for fresh air each day, and they must wear toques and mitts on cold days. Please send them with all the winter clothing they will need! If you have any extra toques or mitts you would be able to donate to the school, they would be greatly appreciated!