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Terry Fox Foundation recognizes Prairie South schools

Since 1981, the Terry Fox Run has raised more than $800 million nationally for cancer research.
An image of Terry Fox on the Saskatchewan flag. Photo courtesy Facebook

MOOSE JAW — The Terry Fox Foundation has recognized three area schools for being the top 50 fundraisers in Saskatchewan last year, with their contributions adding to the $800 million raised for cancer research since 1981.  

The foundation sent Prairie South School Division a letter recently saying Assiniboia Seventh Avenue Elementary School, École Gravelbourg High School and Craik High School had made the list after raising a notable amount during the Terry Fox Run in 2023

Among elementary schools, Assiniboia raised the fourth-most with $7,412.25, while among high schools, Gravelbourg placed 11th after raising $5,328.90 and Craik placed 23rd with $4,114 raised.

Deanna Holowachuk, the foundation’s school development officer for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, said in the letter that the division “showed remarkable support” for the Terry Fox Foundation, which was “proud of their extraordinary effort and commitment to carry on Terry’s legacy.”

“The dedication of your schools has made groundbreaking initiatives like our Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network possible,” she continued.

This collaborative effort has brought together hospitals, research institutes and fundraising organizations to work to revolutionize cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention, Holowachuk stated. This collaboration has provided a beacon of hope for many individuals whom cancer has affected.

“We are profoundly grateful for the support and thank everyone for embodying the values of resilience, determination and compassion that Terry Fox himself exemplified,” she added, “and (thank you) for joining us in our mission to create a world without cancer.”

Mary Jukes, a trustee with Prairie South, said during the May board meeting that she recalled when Moose Jaw held its first Terry Fox Run and how there was a big bus parked outside the former YMCA building to support the initiative. Furthermore, she singled out Ray Boughen and John Livingstone for being the two main organizers for several years.

“So Moose Jaw has a long-standing history with the Terry Fox Run,” she added. “It’s a good thing to know.”

The next Prairie South board meeting is Wednesday, June 5.