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Cold wave laser therapy

Cold wave laser, or Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), as it is often called, is a hot new therapy in cellular medicine! Cold wave lasers are not to be confused with hot lasers.

Cold wave laser, or Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), as it is often called, is a hot new therapy in cellular medicine! Cold wave lasers are not to be confused with hot lasers. Hot lasers are used for hair removal or eye surgery, for example, and have risks associated with them.

Cold lasers are very safe. There are evidently no known reports of any permanent injuries in over 40 years of use. They have therapeutic effects on the cells and have helped people find substantial relief from many painful acute and chronic conditions.


Each cell contains mitochondria, tiny but powerful furnaces that produce ATP energy. ATP is the currency that cells use, much like money is the currency we use.

Let's say that an individual requires $20 per day to survive, $100 per day to function well, and $500 a day to vacation. We could use this analogy at the cellular level. Let's say that an individual cell needs $20 ATP to survive. But to function optimally, it needs $100 ATP. And to repair, it requires $500 ATP! As you can see, light photons from LILT provide valuable energy that cells need in order to heal and repair!


It is plain and simple... We are healthy or sick at the cellular level.

We have known for a long time that for our cells to survive and to function properly, they require oxygen, nutrients, circulation and detoxification. More recently, a new cell optimizer has been discovered - light!

Light particles, called photons, carry energy. Photons are converted into ATP energy in the cells. By donating light photons to injured cells, LILT kick starts ATP energy production in the mitochondria. ATP supplies energy for cellular function. And of course, we know that it takes lots of energy to heal!


The primary effect of LILT is energy. But there's more! LILT also has four very important secondary effects. Firstly, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing swelling and inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be like smouldering coals - not urgent enough to call out the fire department.

But LILT can change chronic inflammation into an acute inflammatory response.

When LILT makes it into a little fire, the body can react properly and finally put that fire out!

Secondly, it promotes tissue regeneration, allowing tissue healing and significantly improved wound recovery. Thirdly, it results in pain reduction. Fourthly, it increases circulation. Poor blood circulation is one of the main reasons behind many chronic conditions, particularly for patients with diabetes.


The Hippocratic Oath says to "First do no harm." Whatever we put into our bodies, whether we eat or drink it, or whether it gets absorbed through our skin (like light photons do), we need to make sure that it is safe to the trillions of cells that make up our bodies!

If you use NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) for pain relief, there are possible dangers. Risks include allergic reactions, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hematologic (pertaining to the blood) and renal (kidney) risks.

In contrast, LILT has been found in studies to be just as effective for pain relief, but without all the risk!

Dr. Gail Smolinski, Doctor of Natural Medicine, has her Doctor of Naturopathy degree and is Board Certified in Traditional Naturopathy and in Nutritional Wellness

She is a Certified Low Intensity Laser Therapist, Master Herbalist, Registered Nutritional Cons-ultant, Profes-sional Home-opath and Holistic Iridologist.

Dr. Gail offers Low Intensity Laser Therapy, health consultations, bioenergetic therapies, detoxification footbaths and a wide variety of professional health products at her natural health clinic. You may contact her at 306-783-1261.

This column is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It provides general information about health and nutrition. It is run bi-weekly, space permitting.