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Why were they forbidden from acting?

To the Editor: Why were the boots on the ground forbidden from acting against the Black Blocs's terrorism in Toronto? Columnists are asking: "Who made the decision for police to stand down despite the fact the city was under attack? And why? Was it a

To the Editor:

Why were the boots on the ground forbidden from acting against the Black Blocs's terrorism in Toronto?

Columnists are asking: "Who made the decision for police to stand down despite the fact the city was under attack? And why? Was it a police decision or political?"

Streets and businesses were trashed. Police cars were abandoned and then burned by black clad anarchists.

A billion dollars of our tax dollars were spent to defend the peace. And yet, our police were forbidden to do their duty. They were forced to obey orders to do nothing in the face of terrorism!

Alternatives existed. Mayor Miller requested the G20 meetings be held at the unpopulated, already fenced, Exhibition grounds. Instead, we spent an outrageous sum on security and then did not stand up to the terrorists.

Only a judicial inquiry with witnesses under oath will provide answers. Who made the decisions that let the terrorists win??

Joe Hueglin

Niagara Falls, ON.