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USask researchers map cannabis genome to improve crops and health

USask researchers map cannabis genome to improve crops and health

Unlocking the full potential of cannabis for agriculture and human health will require a co-ordinated scientific effort to assemble and map the cannabis genome, according to a just-published international study led by University of Saskatchewan (USas
Federal Carbon Tax implementation must be cancelled

Federal Carbon Tax implementation must be cancelled

With the April 1 implementation deadline looming, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers are calling for the federal government to eliminate the move to increase the carbon tax from $20 to $30/tonne for those provinces under the federal backstop.

Research indicates pulses sensitive to seedrow fertilizer

Research conducted at the University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) Department of Soil Science, has demonstrated that pulses can be sensitive to seed-placed starter nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur fertilizer products, with lentils, peas, and chickpeas b
Area Charolais bull sale goes well

Area Charolais bull sale goes well

Neilson Cattle Company held their annual Charolais bull sale at their farm near Willowbrook March 23y.
Young student connects with newborn calf

Young student connects with newborn calf

When it’s spring on a farm with cattle it means the arrival of newborn calves. For Ty Korol, home from school at present, it means an opportunity to interact with new calves and more on the family farm near Canora.
FCC lending capacity increases by $5B to alleviate industry financial pressure

FCC lending capacity increases by $5B to alleviate industry financial pressure

Farm Credit Canada (FCC)has received an enhancement to its capital base that will allow for an additional $5 billion in lending capacity, Marie-Claude Bibeau, minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced today.
Positives amid volatility for ag sector

Positives amid volatility for ag sector

Farm commodity markets may be facing a time of volatility based on a number of factors, but there are positives for Canadians farmers too.

Financial tips work for farmers too

Says speaker at FCC Young Farmer Summit in Yorkton
Farmers are becoming increasingly aware of those field areas that are not growing a crop

Farmers are becoming increasingly aware of those field areas that are not growing a crop

Increased payment to eligible farmers through new Marginal Areas Program
Cereals Corner: Unifying the national voice of cereals

Cereals Corner: Unifying the national voice of cereals

The Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi) and Cereals Canada are moving forward towards an amalgamated organization. This is a positive development.