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Agriculture This Week - Access to Indian market is critical

Canadian pulse growers should be collectively exhaling a breath of relieve after a recent announcement that access to the market in India will continue.

Agriculture This Week - Farmers hit by budget cuts too

When it came time to deal with a Saskatchewan deficit after their 2016 went off the rails completely, the Saskatchewan Party simply off loaded the hurt to just about everyone this time aound, including the agriculture sector.

Agriculture - a good news story

There are some organizations that don’t like modern agriculture. I really don’t understand why. My personal hero is Dr.
Amendments to Provincial Lands Act

Amendments to Provincial Lands Act

Saskatchewan’s new Provincial Lands Act, 2016 and its associated regulations have been proclaimed and are now in effect.

Agriculture This Week - Canola popularity causing some problems

‘King Wheat’ has been deposed by ‘Queen Canola’ on the Canadian Prairies in terms of being the big-acres crop, and of course in gross dollars generated.

New loan for young entrepreneurs

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Lawrence MacAulay and Farm Credit Canada (FCC) announced a new loan for young entrepreneurs in the agriculture retail, manufacturing and food processing sectors.

U of S researchers exploring soil ecosystems

“This major investment enables our talented scientists and engineers to work in partnership with industry and government to find innovative solutions for improving human and environmental health.

Trade, Trump and Protectionism

There have been a lot of questions about trade since the U.S. election. The new President promised to take the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and he did just that with his first Executive Order.
Genetics on sale

Genetics on sale

On a day that started out with a wind chill near minus-40 Neilson Cattle Company of Willowbrook held their on-farm bull sale Friday.

Agriculture This Week - Honey bees have many problems

In terms of agricultural sales the humble honey bee and the honey they produce are not a major contributor. But the honey bee is gaining lots of attention these days because they are facing issues in terms of survival.