A presentation on the turtle species in Saskatchewan will be held at the Preeceville Club 60 on October 23.
Kelsey Ecological Society will be featuring Kelsey Marchand and her research on turtles in Saskatchewan. She will explain in detail what she documented in her research about what turtle species are found in the province.
“My presentation will be a combination of a variety of topics including learning what turtle species are found in Saskatchewan, as well as discussing my master’s research on a population living in Regina,” said Marchand, a master of science candidate with the Department of Biology at the University of Regina.
Currently in her second year of study, Marchand works with supervisors Dr. Chris Somers, U of R associate professor and Canada Research Chair in genes and the environment, and Dr. Ray Poulin of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and curator of vertebrate zoology and head of research and collections.
The project is a multi-partner funded program led by the Friends of Wascana Marsh.
Persons wishing additional details on the project are encouraged to see the blogs that she posts on the Royal Saskatchewan Museum website, which cover all the basics of what she does and what she researches.