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Probe a newcomer for top spot

The arena for mayor of Yorkton is a crowded one, with four candidates vying for the position. Among those candidates is a newcomer to municipal politics Andrew Probe. Probe says he believes there is a need for new ideas on Yorkton Council.
Andrew Probe
Andrew Probe

The arena for mayor of Yorkton is a crowded one, with four candidates vying for the position.

Among those candidates is a newcomer to municipal politics Andrew Probe.

Probe says he believes there is a need for new ideas on Yorkton Council.

“I think Yorkton needs a change. I think I can offer that,” he said.

From Probe’s online bio, he states, “being mayor is a position that should be held with pride and the people should be proud to call you mayor. Yorkton is a place I am proud to call home. By running for mayor I am working towards insuring that Yorkton continues to be a place that I and many others are proud to call home. With that, I run for mayor for family, friends and community.”

Probe said he recognizes as a newcomer he would face a learning curve, but added by delving into the workings of the City with fresh eyes, he believes fresh ideas will arise.

“I’m not going to promise I can fix everything, but I want to look into everything,” he said, adding he has never been afraid to put in the work on a project.

“If there’s a hole in the road, if I need to use a shovel, I’ll get it done. I’ve never been afraid to work,” he said.

Probe said in terms of his own background he has done varied things through the years from farming, to currently owning his own business. The varying jobs are an asset in terms of giving him a good understanding of the needs of those owning small business in the city, and of those employed in those businesses, he said.

It is the area of small business and job creation Probe said he sees the greatest potential in the city.

By expanding the business base, which in terms grows the employee base, the City in turn grows its tax base. More tax revenue funs more projects in the city in terms of roads, waterlines and other needs, said Probe.

“The City has a whole lot of land not being used,” said Probe. He said he will be looking at how the City might better use the land asset to encourage business and residential growth.