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Eulogy - Glen Doerksen

Glen Doerksen's eulogy was presented at his funeral by his son, Cameron, and is a part of the Humboldt Broncos memorial page with permission from his family.
Glen Doerksen
photo courtesy of Bruce Chupa

Glen Doerksen's eulogy was presented at his funeral by his son, Cameron, and is a part of the Humboldt Broncos memorial page with permission from his family.

Glen, how does one even start to explain who Glen was to each of you and how he touched so many lives.

Glen as a son, Glen as a brother, Glen as an Uncle, Glen as a cousin, Glen as a husband, Glen as an in law, Glen as a dad and always to all, Glen was a friend.

Before Glen became all the amazing things throughout his life he was first a son. Mary, my grandma, talks often of the times they spent together in recent years sitting around the breakfast table. Living only a few doors away meant Dad could always count on the most perfectly fried eggs and homemade toast and Grandma could always count on him to come for them. One story grandma tells can describe my dad’s unfailing love for his mother. One morning while Grandma was making eggs for dad in the morning, she got a little distracted and put too much pepper on them. When she offered to make him new eggs he said, “no mom, these will be just perfect, they are just perfect, mom” and ate them without any fuss. Dad could never complain, always appreciated his mother and loved her unconditionally.

Growing up with three brothers, I can only imagine the stories that could be told about the fun times that the four of them had. Like examples already given by my Uncle Gary.

His brother Gord started a painting company in Winnipeg while dad was living there. He worked with Gord on and off the clock. Dad always had to be working. Even visiting during his long hauls, he would always find someone to help or a job to be done. Dad and Gord loved to spend time renovating spaces together. They could be found working out plans, discussing which wall should come down or whether or not to ask a “real” electrician. If they weren’t working on a project they were golfing. When Gord became a grandfather himself his grand kids would eagerly await dad’s arrival with his big truck. Dad gave them a ride in his truck, a time that the kids still talk about. If dad’s hauls brought him through Winnipeg in the summer, the kids could always count on him to take them swimming, showing them how to have real fun in the pool.

Dad always looked out for his little brother Norm. He would always be there, no matter what time, to pick him up at the airport, ready to take him home to Carrot River.

Once dad started trucking he had many more opportunities to see his family across Canada, including Norm in Vancouver BC. He would want to visit Norm but couldn’t take the load over the border. So, he would park three quarters of a mile south of the border and walk over to meet Norm on the other side. If dad and Norm ever found themselves at the table together, no one would stand a chance to get a word in. They both loved to tell stories, make each other laugh and entertain anyone that would give them the chance.

Dad became an uncle in his early twenties, which was a role he welcomed with open arms. “Uncle Glen” would drop anything and everything to fix whatever needed to be fixed and help anyone who needed help. He spent a significant amount of time, probably too much time renovating his nieces and nephew’s houses. He loved sharing his carpentry skills and working alongside his brother in between his long hauls. While dad was on the road he made it a point to connect with as much family as he could along the way. He had time with his niece Jamie on routes and bonding over stories of the road.

They stopped together whenever they could to spend time catching up or even cramming into a truck sleeper to watch a movie. Dad would truly do anything to spend time with his family wherever he was. Glen was a husband for over 28 years. He was a loving and loyal partner in life to my mom Karen. Dad always wanted to provide for his family. He would do whatever job for however long so that he was able to give his family everything he possibly could. Even before my mom and dad got married dad fit into her family. He had an instant bond with mom’s family. Dad had the ability to fit into any situation, he could talk to anyone, always was himself and had a great time getting to know new friends which in this case became his family.

Dad always made us feel safe. We would travel in all kinds of storms or bad weather but mom never worried about it. She always felt safe when she was with dad. Before Melissa and I came along mom and dad would go to McDonald’s. Mom says every time they went he would order “A big mac meal, a quarter pounder with cheese and fillet o’ fish…. Followed by “and that’s what she’s having.” Every time. Dad loved to tease. He just loved to make mom smile. He loved to make everyone smile.

One of dad’s favourite sayings was when he liked something he would say it was his second favourite. If you asked him what his favourite was he would say he hadn’t found it yet. Dad was always searching for his favourite. Never settling for less than perfect measurements, second best experiences or half-hearted efforts.

Dad did have one favorite, it was in his perfect partner, my mom.

Glen had many different roles throughout his life but none more important and more fulfilling then the role as our dad. Family always came first for him, followed closely by food. So when the two combined he was in his glory. Family suppers around the dinner table were some of Dads favourite times. He was so invested in our lives, he was always there for us and would drop anything. He went to every sporting event no matter what else was going on. He was at the rink, 9am with his cheeseburger with onions. He would be so invested and involved at events. He could be found running alongside Melissa at track meets cheering her on. One time my friends and I were practicing triple jump and he strolls by saying he used to be kinda good at it. Without a breath he starts his jump, in his sandals and beats us all. Both Mel and I have memories of dad as our ref or linemen on the ice.

Melissa remembers Dad cracking jokes as he dropped the puck and while others looked confused Melissa was left laughing. I remember getting in a fight at a hockey game while dad was reffing. After the game was over dad said, “Remind me never to make you mad, I saw the other guy”. Dad always had our backs. He welcomed new members into his family showing them this same selfless dedication while he attended Brittany’s fastball games too. Dad loved to have fun with us kids, something he learned from his own father. During family game nights Dad was always the star of the show. Sometimes without even knowing it he would change words or do something that could make everyone laugh. Even after us kids were out of high school and farther away Dad drove to Saskatoon to watch every volleyball game Melissa played. Dad and I golfed annually in the lefty righty golf tournament. Dad was so proud of us kids in everything we did. We were his whole life. Anytime he talked about Us he would be beaming with pride.

Second to his family, dad’s pride showed in his carpentry work. My family and I had a chance to go see some work dad had done out at Norm and Shelly’s. Anyone who has seen Dad’s work could see what a perfectionist he was. My Grandpa Doerksen was always amazed at what dad could do.

He was creative and precise almost to a fault, just ask my uncle Gord. But the finished product was always second to none and worth every triple measure.

Whether he was your dad, your uncle, your husband, your cousin, your brother, your ref, your co-worker or your neighbour… Glen was your friend. His positivity was contagious. Anyone who was around dad couldn’t help but smile or laugh at whatever joke he’d be making. He showed us all how to love life and have fun. He was a hard worker, a dedicated father and a caring friend. Dad always said if you weren’t 10 minutes early then you were late. But dad, this was far too early and you will be dearly missed.