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Check out what's hot at the library

The Maidstone Library Board held their annual holiday supper and January meeting Jan. 12. The group discussed activities held so far this winter and plans for the next few months.

The Maidstone Library Board held their annual holiday supper and January meeting Jan. 12.

The group discussed activities held so far this winter and plans for the next few months.

Librarian Lorna Foster introduced two new programs available in the region. Freegal is an online service allowing library patrons to download three free songs per week. Mango offers an opportunity to learn up to 31 languages.

The library2go program's popularity is growing as more people become e-reader users. Library2go allows patrons to borrow books to read on their computer or compatible e-reader. Devices, including the Kindle, do not work with the system, which allows borrowers to download available books or sit on a waiting list to borrow the works for a set amount of time just like borrowing paper books.

February will be "Love Your Library" month. The Maidstone library invites everyone in the community to enter a valentine in their contest. Every participant will be eligible for a prize draw and judges will be awarding prizes for the most creative in an adult and a child category. Valentines must be handmade or created digitally by the entrant using the theme "Love Your Library."

The Maidstone library has ongoing programs including the pre-school story time Friday mornings and free Internet use during regular hours. The Maidstone Library invites everyone to check out what they have on the stacks and what's new online.