Motorists who exhibit aggressive driving behaviours on Saskatchewan roads will be held accountable for their actions during Operation Spring Brake, according to a press release from SGI.
The traffic safety blitz will take place April 24 and 25 across the province. Law enforcement will be putting the brakes on violations such as speeding, driving too fast for road conditions, running red lights, not stopping at stop signs, stunting, racing or passing to the right on a highway.
"Speed is a killer, especially when combined with other dangerous driving behaviour like disobeying the rules of the road or stunting," said Andrew Cartmell, president and CEO of SGI. "Driving too fast means it will take you longer to slow down or stop when you need to. Those extra few seconds could be the difference between a fender bender and a more serious crash."
In 2012, aggressive driving contributed to more than 8,200 collisions in Saskatchewan, resulting in 88 deaths and nearly 4,200 injuries, according to the release.
"We typically see drivers participating in more risky driving behaviour, once road conditions improve," said Chief Troy Hagen, president of the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police. "Whether the behaviour manifests as excessive speed, weaving in and out of traffic, or taking more chances when passing vehicles, we know we have to meet that risk-taking with diligent education and enforcement efforts."
March's traffic blitz, Operation Hang Up Buckle Up, focused on cellphone and seatbelt violations and resulted in 282 tickets province-wide.