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The past is told. Let the future unfold.

After nearly 140 entries were submitted from current and previous residents of the North Battleford, a slogan for the North Battleford centennial celebrations has been chosen and Saturday it was announced to the public.
Saturday at the Don Ross, Darcie Kzyzyk was presented with a certificate for submitting the winning slogan for the City of North Battleford 2013 centennial celebration.

After nearly 140 entries were submitted from current and previous residents of the North Battleford, a slogan for the North Battleford centennial celebrations has been chosen and Saturday it was announced to the public.

"One of the goals that we had as the promotions committee was to involve the community," said Darren Olson, chair for the City of North Battleford 2013 Centennial Historical Committee. "We thought a really good way to do that was to have a slogan contest that would compliment the logo that we had developed as a committee."

The past is told. Let the future unfold. That is the winning slogan, which will be seen on the centennial merchandise and visible at all centennial events throughout the year.

"We wanted to make sure we allowed a good cross section of the community to participate," said Olson.

Through email, mail and drop box submissions the committee had the enjoyable and difficult task of choosing a winner.

The winning slogan was submitted by Darcie Kzyzyk, a former resident of North Battleford, who now lives in Saskatoon.

"I thought it should acknowledge and honour the past and reflect a positive outlook for the future," said Kzyzyk, who submitted a number of slogans and was proud to have this one chosen as the winner.

Along with the prestigious honour of being chosen the winner, Kzyzyk receives $100 worth of centennial merchandise, which includes tickets to events.

"I would consider it to be very successful," said Olson of the contest. "It talks about the community about how we have had a past and acknowledging that and being very positive about the future."

The first event of the centennial celebrations will the be the New Year's eve family day and party Dec. 31.