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Humboldt ministerial message: Meeting God in our familiar

"God often meets us in the middle of the familiar, even the mundane and disappointing parts of our lives. He calls us to ‘cast our nets’ to be obedient and faithful." — Pastor Greg Dermody, Humboldt Alliance Church
Pastor Greg Dermody
"God often meets us in the middle of the familiar, even the mundane and disappointing parts of our lives. He calls us to ‘cast our nets’ to be obedient and faithful." — Pastor Greg Dermody, Humboldt Alliance Church
There is a great story of Simon-Peter’s encounter with Jesus at the beach one day. 

Well acquainted, Jesus has spoken at Simon’s house, eaten and stayed there, healed Simon’s mother-in-law. Simon is aware something is significant about this young Rabbi. People were intrigued and gathered at the beach to listen to Jesus. A classic beach vista; Simon and his partners sitting in the sun, cleaning their nets, watching and listening, soaking it all in. 

Jesus says to Simon, “put out in the deep water and let down your nets.” 

A big ask, to load the freshly cleaned nets then row or sail out to the deep water, this after a long night of fishing with no catch. An accomplished fisherman, Simon has fished the Lake of Galilee all his life, this is likely to be a frivolous and empty task. The carpenter is way out of his element, wanting a lark on the lake. Everyone knows the fish come closer to the surface during the night and sink deeper during the day. 

I ponder Simon’s response. “We have worked all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” I’ve heard it said; “a poor day of fishing is better than a good day at work” yet fishing is Simon’s work, how he feeds his family. “But because you say so…” Is Simon just being polite? Is Simon enough of a friend and follower Jesus to be willing to do whatever Jesus asks? We don’t know his motivation, but his response indicates that he was not expecting any results.

Going through the motions for a whim of the Rabbi; familiar motions, sailing out and letting down the nets as he had done thousands of times before. His experience tells him it is a futile action. FISH! The nets filled to the breaking point as they are pulled into the boat, calling their partners in the other boat to come help. 

Something dawns, or erupts in Simon’s mind and heart – this is a miracle. If this is a miracle, I am somehow in the presence of God. On my little boat! In the middle of all I know. Simon quickly realizes he is in the presence of the holy, and he is not holy; which usually spells disaster. 

Falling at the knees of Jesus, Simon says; “go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man.” 

God often meets us in the middle of the familiar, even the mundane and disappointing parts of our lives. He calls us to ‘cast our nets’ to be obedient and faithful. Jesus was not making a point about fishing, He was demonstrating to Simon, through something very familiar, that He is God. 

Jesus uses this revelation to call Simon to follow Him, in fact to leave his vocation and become a fisher of men. Telling of God’s provision of righteousness to sinful people. 

Uncertain about God in your life? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you – in the familiar. He will meet you and you will never be the same.