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Editorial: Council correctly sides with chickens

Editorial: Council correctly sides with chickens

Ultimately, the more the city can do to help facilitate residents in their desire to grow food the better – be that beehives, backyard hens, or maybe next boulevard veggie gardens – the better for our community.
Opinion: Why likeability matters more than skills in job interviews

Opinion: Why likeability matters more than skills in job interviews

Your chances of getting hired increase if you focus on your attitude rather than solely on your qualifications during the job interview.
Commentary: Strategies to improve your decision-making skills

Commentary: Strategies to improve your decision-making skills

How to avoid common decision-making traps and increase the likelihood of making good decisions.
Opinion: How ‘Best Before‘ dates contribute to food waste

Opinion: How ‘Best Before‘ dates contribute to food waste

Look, smell, taste a recipe for reducing food waste.
Commentary: A deep dive into the meaning of wacky weather terms

Commentary: A deep dive into the meaning of wacky weather terms

Discover the mysteries of weather terms like pyrocumulonimbus clouds, lenticular clouds, crepuscular rays and more.
Opinion: How smiling can transform your business

Opinion: How smiling can transform your business

Increase customer retention and your bottom line by smiling.
Opinion: Was Trudeau's promise of ‘sunny ways’ always a con?

Opinion: Was Trudeau's promise of ‘sunny ways’ always a con?

Paul Well’s new book, Justin Trudeau on the Ropes, is a detailed critique of the discrepancies between his promises and actions.
3D printing serves up safety with a side of Salmonella-killing heat

3D printing serves up safety with a side of Salmonella-killing heat

U of A finds new way to make sure your 3D printed dinner doesn’t kill you.
Opinion: Replacing Estevan's police chief won't be easy

Opinion: Replacing Estevan's police chief won't be easy

Hunt for a new police chief for Estevan comes at an interesting time.
Editorial: Pea plant builds on Yorkton's ag roots

Editorial: Pea plant builds on Yorkton's ag roots

For Yorkton, and ultimately for the province too, value-added agriculture processing builds economy on the strong foundation of farming. It’s one of those classic win-win situations.