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Estevan Mercury

Commodity prices currently unpredictable

The immediate future for grain prices must be one that is keeping forecasters sleepless at night right now.

The limits of our tolerance

The times have changed from when my grandparents and even parents were young and stupid. Some things that were once acceptable are now taboo, while others that were covered up and tucked into the closet with shame are now shining in the limelight.

No more men on the moon

A few weeks ago I got a chance to play with a friend's 150-500 mm zoom lens on my camera. To most mortals, that's gobbledygook. In English, it means it's a big honkin' lens - as long as my forearm and stronger than a decent set of binoculars.

Bring a positive attitude to school

When I was in Grade 12, Spirit Week at the Estevan Comprehensive School rolled around and with it came "Wouldn't be Caught Dead in That Day." Basically, the day was dedicated to dressing in a way that was absurd and abnormal.

Time to cowboy up for Estevan Rodeo

The Estevan CCA Rodeo is just around the corner and the local rodeo grounds have undergone some significant upgrades since last year. The rodeo is schedule for Sept. 7 to 9 this year and everyone can expect some changes at the rodeo grounds.

Riders look to extend Labour Day streak

The definition of "precipice": The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation. The definition of "crisis": A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.

Another hockey star comes from Cole Harbour

There must be something in the water in Cole Harbour, N.S., because two of the greatest young hockey players in Canada in the last 10 years have skated on ice made from that Cole Harbour H2O - a situation that defies logic.

Youngster issues public apology

Editor's note: The following letter has been written by a young man who is issuing a public apology for spray painting two local schools.

SUMA-province relationship has many benefits

The Editor: For years, urban governments operated within tight budgets with very little money from the province. Cities found creative ways to maintain infrastructure and to provide for our citizens.

No lack of variety and events for Estevan Police Service on the weekend

Estevan Police Service members had no shortage of events or variety in their work during the past weekend since local lawbreakers found a number of ways to keep them occupied. Beginning on the night of Aug.