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Estevan Mercury

Mock accident shows perils of impaired driving

Mock accident shows perils of impaired driving

The students of the Lampman School were given a startling reminder about the pitfalls of drinking and driving Thursday.
LeDrew encourages parents to keep their children active

LeDrew encourages parents to keep their children active

For someone who admittedly hates exercise, Dr. June LeDrew might seem an odd person to become an advocate for physical fitness.

Theatre to take this summer to rebuild

The Souris Valley Theatre will lose two full seasons as a result of last year's flooding, but the board is eager to get to work and bring performances back to the Energy City for next year.

Fajitas GetRealLive Style

Have you ever found yourself sitting staring at your dinner ingredients and you are just not motivated to make the normal staple? Well, I hope I'm not alone because last night was one of those nights.

Obscure or not "perfect is forever"

Here's the baseball question of the day: Who is the more obscure pitcher to throw a perfect game: Dallas Braden or Phil Humber? Discuss among yourselves.

Coal Run to continue from Bienfait for now

Runners will once again look to start the race season off with the Coal Country Run. It's the fifth year for the race, which originally took runners through the scenic Roche Percee Valley.

Would you take an anti-aging pill?

He said The short answer would be no, but that isn't going to cut here. People seem to have such a negative view of age. The prime of your life ends around 20. That's when you start to realize little pains in the body start to hurt.

Marketing a new challenge for wheat growers

Farmers are going to face an unsettled fall in terms of marketing their grain.
Women of Today winners announced

Women of Today winners announced

Four Estevan women with diverse backgrounds and interests were named as the winners of the 2012 Women of Today Awards last Wednesday.

University roommates

This fall will be my final year of university. This means my final year of sleeping in on weekdays, taking naps over my lunch hour and wearing a steady uniform of hoodies and jeans.