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Clean Up Campaign ends its year

The Clean Up Campaign for the City of Weyburn has concluded for another year. The committee for the Campaign met for their last meeting on June 12.

The Clean Up Campaign for the City of Weyburn has concluded for another year. The committee for the Campaign met for their last meeting on June 12.

During judging of areas, it was noted that there was less garbage in the back lanes, and this was attributed to the new front street pick-up with the automated refuse system.

After difficulties finding area chairmen to volunteer for the Clean Up Campaign this year, the committee is looking for direction for next year.

A few suggestions included to switch gears to a theme, which would be promoted to residents; or to run an Adopt-a-Neighbourhood program. The Adopt-a-Neighbourhood program could potentially be tied in with the poster campaign, the Green Day for minor sports organizations, and connected with their neighbourhood schools.

The City of Weyburn received 545 landfill coupons during the Clean Up Campaign this year. It was noted that number was down from previous years. Landfill coupons are distributed yearly in the Weyburn Booster at the end of May, and they are eligible for use during that month.

There was a hazardous waste day held on June 2 at the Weyburn Fire Hall. There was 42 vehicles reported which brought in hazardous materials.