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Health authority concludes public consultations

Sun Country Regional Health Authority, SCRHA, the governing body of Sun Country Health Region, concluded a series of consultations with the public during the month of April.

Sun Country Regional Health Authority, SCRHA, the governing body of Sun Country Health Region, concluded a series of consultations with the public during the month of April.

The Chair of SCRHA, Marilyn Charlton said the consultations were informative both for members of the Regional Health Authority and the public who attended.

"We invited the public and representatives from every elected municipal board in the Region to attend and bring local health care issues and questions to us," said Charlton. "We were pleased with the keen discussions held each evening."

The consultations, called the Community Leadership Network, are held in the spring and fall of each year in four locations within the region.

This year, President and CEO Marga Cugnet provided information on the four new improvement projects chosen for the fiscal year, Vice President John Knock provided a report card on last year's improvement projects and local nurse practitioners outlined a history of their profession and the scope of practice they offer to their communities.

"We look forward to these sessions each year," said Charlton. "We believe they are productive for both the public and members of the Regional Health Authority."