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Canora Courier

Canora junior Cougars host jamboree and play against Wakaw

The Canora Junior Cougars of Canora Composite School continue to have a busy season, according to Kim Eitenier, the coach. The Canora Composite School was the location for the Grades 9 and 10 Junior Jamboree hosted by the Cougars on October 1.

Wall can't just rant at Trudeau to solve the carbon price plan

What Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to impose on Saskatchewan is not fair.

Writer tells Wall that decisions should be made by debate and negotiation

Not by walking out of the room and crying

A sensitive soul and a maturing love share the essence of Jesus

In a recent homily Father Brendan McGuire shared this analogy:he was given samples of lavender and fennel oil essence.

Science may favour what the funding companies want over real results

Science should be the one thing we can trust. Research should be carried out for the sake of exploration and the results should be published, whether the results are positive or negative.

Thanksgiving troubles, or "I'm just in it for the pumpkin cheesecake"

Oh, Thanksgiving. That time of year where we’re supposed to celebrate family and friendship and all the things we are grateful to have. In all honesty, I’d just be grateful for some peace and quiet.

Municipal elections are the rural politician's quandary

By D. E.
Outreach centre opens on main street in Kamsack to address needs of people with high risk lifestyles

Outreach centre opens on main street in Kamsack to address needs of people with high risk lifestyles

An outreach centre, funded by Health Canada and managed by a board assembled by Cote First Nation with the objective of helping to create a healthy community, was officially opened in Kamsack on Monday.

One of the dark secrets of history

We often hear that if we don’t learn from history’s mistakes, then we are doomed to repeat them.

Fencing adds character to the buildings it encloses

Fencing is the word describing the erection of a fence on our property, no foiling (pun intended)! Marion has been busy adding a nice white fence to the front portion of our yard, which matches the rest of the fence at both sides and the back.