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Members of the Norquay School Class of 2015

“Today I will do the things that others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish the things that others can’t,” was the slogan used by the Norquay School’s senior class of 2015 during its graduation ceremony held May 29.

“Today I will do the things that others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish the things that others can’t,” was the slogan used by the Norquay School’s senior class of 2015 during its graduation
ceremony held May 29.

The graduation day began with a faith service held at the Covenant Church in the afternoon, followed by a catered supper, a program that included speeches and a dance with parents at the exercises honouring the graduates.

In her valedictory address, Kalyna Livingstone thanked everyone “for coming out to celebrate one of the biggest days of our lives.

“There have been many times over the past 13 years when it seemed graduation would never arrive,” Livingstone said. “I would say that we have been subconsciously planning for this
day since Grade 3 when we helped Mrs. Robinson with grad decorations. And now suddenly, here we are, up on stage, all dolled up, just itching to take off our pretty shoes and loosen those colourful
ties; ready to graduate.”

Referring to the adage that says “it takes a village to raise a child,” she said that it was very true in regards to growing up and going to school in Norquay.

“The Grade 12s have all been involved in this community in some way or another, through sports, dance, hamburger sales and youth groups. And in turn, this community has been involved with us, in our lives. The community has done this by coming to our Christmas concerts, supporting our fundraisers, providing us with jobs, and acting as models of how to live and work together.

“Norquay is my hometown, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Recognizing the class’s teachers, she said that the students would not be there without them.

“They taught us how to tie our shoes and count by twos. They have endured potty parades, wild stories of our weekends, missing homework and the occasional teenage drama from our class.

“We appreciate everything you have done for us in our pursuit of knowledge; from giving us extra help to taking time out of your busy schedules to coach our extracurricular sports and activities. We hope we didn’t give you too many grey hairs in exchange.”

Turning to the graduates’ families, she said that words could not adequately express their gratitude for their love and guidance.

“We know you are proud of us today in addition to yesterday and tomorrow. You’re the best.”

Livingstone said that all those people have been woven into the fabric of who the students are, so “like our favourite blanket we will be taking you along with us wherever we go. This is not only our moment, but yours to share in as well.

“I am so proud of the beautiful young men and women sitting before you. We have certainly come a long way from being the bratty little kids who peeked during hide-and-seek or stole each other’s snacks. I’m sure our elementary teachers would agree. We have grown past the awkward stages of life (a.k.a. middle school) and now we’ll be taking the next step of our journey into the grown up world. Is that scary or what?

“And yet, it shouldn’t be. Growing up is a part of life. We have all become beautiful individuals, each brimming with potential. I think we have all reached a point where we are ready to go forward and ‘do the things that others won’t, so tomorrow we can accomplish the things that others can’t.’

“I hope when you guys look at our quote you realize that what we do todayimpacts what happens tomorrow.Our actions willalways have consequences,not all of them bad, but weare going to have to be ready to deal with them regardless.

This is what growing up really means.
“I truly believe that we, the Class of 2015, will all accomplish great things in our own way. We all have the ability to achieve our goals and live up to our potential.
“Our lives are about to change. But there is no doubt in my mind that we will be able to handle it. There will be rough patches of course, when we will wish we were back roaming the halls of
Norquay School, and the biggest worry we had was the test on Monday. Just remember that you won’t have to do it all alone; odds are, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the grown up world, one of us is too. We’re kind of all in this together.

“There isn’t a better group of individuals I could have chosen to grow up with than these ones sitting before you,” Livingstone said. “I hope the same goes for them as well.

“I will never forget you guys or our years together. I love you all and wish you the best in the future, wherever that may lead you. Congratulations to the Class of 2015! We made it!”

“I’ve had the great honour of serving as president of the Student Representative Council,” Justin Hudye, SRC president, said on behalf of the SRC.

Hudye acknowledged the work of other members of the SRC executive committee: Blake Newberg, the vice-president, who was always available when he needed an extra hand; Kalyna
Livingstone, who kept minutes in tiptop shape and the meetings on track; Danielle Turta, the social director, who kept the school fun with spirit days and adding nice flare to the calendar every month, and the members at large, Haley Nystedt, Angela Hamm and Mackenzie Griffith, who always gave up their time to make sure the school kept running smoothly and made it enjoyable.

Recognizing the room representatives, Hudye said that they always came through with voicing their classes’ opinions.

"Everyone on the SRC gave up spare time to make sure events such as the perogy supper, the Valentine’s Day dance, magazine sales or hot lunches went as smoothly as possible,” he said. “You guys are awesome!”

Addressing the staff advisors, he said that “Mr. (Trevor) Olson and Mr. (Heath) Morin…gave up countless hours to make sure everything got done how it should have been done. They always
had great ideas to bring to the table and would listen if the students wanted to voice an opinion. I must say that without these two, mass Angela Hamm spoke during the faith service at the Covenant Church in Norquay during the Grade 12 graduation.

“Mrs. (Tracy) Grywacheski also deserves credit as three quarters of the time it was her that I went to for advice. She always did her best to help and always did it with a smile. Mrs. G, you saved me from nervous breakdown on numerous occasions.

“All of the staff at the school also did their best to lend a hand when needed. Thanks again everyone.” He thanked his fellow graduates and said that he would miss each and every one of them.

“I wouldn’t want to change our times together. Even if we always didn’t get along, I know we all cared about each other. I want to wish all the best to every one of you. You all will become successful people, and I’m proud to call you all my classmates. We did it!”

To help commemorate the occasion Haley Nystedt toasted the teachers and staff at the Norquay School and Heath Morin replied on behalf of the teachers.

Danielle Turta gave the tribute to the parents and her mother Sandra Turta replied Justin Hudye honoured the School Community Council and Holly Hudye replied on the council members’ behalf. Kaylee Howard paid tribute to the grandparents and Delphine Howard had the honour of speaking in reply.

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