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Robin Hood is ridiculous, but that's okay

Robin Hood is ridiculous, but that's okay

Robin Hood (DVD/Blu-Ray) - Dir. Ridley Scott. Starring Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, William Hurt.
Valkyria Chronicles II is endlessly addictive

Valkyria Chronicles II is endlessly addictive

Valkyria Chronicles II (Video game, PSP) - Publisher: Sega. Developer: Sega.
Fables from old times have meaning for our times

Fables from old times have meaning for our times

When wading through the words of pundits and the babble of political posturing, I can't help but think of some of the simple truths we learned as children.
Timing off on bike lanes

Timing off on bike lanes

Three days after unveiling the Yorkton Cycling Network Plan, the City was forced to alter a section on Gladstone between Broadway and Smith, reverting it back to the way it used to be, although one lane will become a 'shared' lane for vehicle and bic
Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Fall plant sale a huge success

Fall plant sale a huge success

The other day, I was working on a project requiring the use of burlap, and I wondered what burlap is actually made of! Time to take a cup of tea and do some research, and this is what I found out. Burlap is made from fibers of the jute plant.
Model a healthy lifestyle for children

Model a healthy lifestyle for children

Kids want to be just like you. Are you a positive role model and setting a good example? Children watch and copy the behaviors of the adults in their life. School aged children most often look to parents and teachers as role models.
Most don't get how tough farming is

Most don't get how tough farming is

It's something you really, truly can't understand if you grow up as a city person in a household where the pay cheque comes in every two weeks regardless of the circumstances.
Find a place of peace in God's arms

Find a place of peace in God's arms

The wrapped-up-in-peace business started on one of my Friday afternoons with our grandbeans. After lunch, two-year-old Dinah Jane seemed tired and cranky. During a colouring session, she wanted to keep all the crayons. "No, honey," I told her.
Editorial - System review could solidify college's position

Editorial - System review could solidify college's position

The province is about to embark on a review of Saskatchewan's regional college system, and while it is something the Regional College Act requires, it may be one of the most important reviews of the system undertaken.