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Letter to the Editor - Harness racing thanks

Letter to the Editor - Harness racing thanks

Dear Editor:A successful harness racing season has come to an end at Cornerstone Raceway in Yorkton. Special thanks to the members of the Yorkton Exhibition Board and all the volunteers.
Dome referendum makes even more sense now

Dome referendum makes even more sense now

Prime Minister Harper's latest comments about funding pro-sports facilities have got to be making Premier Wall lean towards a referendum for the dome project. It makes sense on so many levels. First, follow the money trail... or the lack thereof.
Fall work underway

Fall work underway

Well, now it is officially fall! And what a summer it's been, one I'm sure we won't forget! By now, you might be starting on your fall "to do" list; let's go over some things that could be done at this time of year.
Stolen vehicle cornered in Kamsack

Stolen vehicle cornered in Kamsack

On September 22, 2010, members of the Kamsack RCMP detachment received a report of a silver vehicle that was driving erratically south on Highway #8.
Business and politics clash in potash debate

Business and politics clash in potash debate

There is one big difference between business and politics. Business has one clear a philosophy that clearly works well for business. In politics, however, it's never quite that clear-cut.
Editorial - Community efforts easy to support

Editorial - Community efforts easy to support

At the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Monday, two community groups stepped forward to get the City on side for projects where they are covering almost all the costs.
Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Majority of Canadians living paycheque to paycheque.
Reflections from the dentist chair

Reflections from the dentist chair

The staff at my dental clinic hum, "Crown her with many crowns," whenever they see me coming. I swear it. My mouth's childhood pastime of accumulating massive amalgam fillings has evolved into a more mature collecting of root canals and crowns.
News of new Dairy Queen

News of new Dairy Queen

Mark Butchko stopped in to see me on Monday morning with an ear to ear grin ready to pronounce plans for his Dairy Queen store. "We are going to demolish the store within the next month.
Yogurt has undergone make over

Yogurt has undergone make over

Yogurt is one of the few foods that have been around since ancient times. Most food historians agree that yogurt and other fermented milk products were accidently discovered by people living in Central Asia about 6000 years ago.