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2018 MUCC grads look to the future, remember the past

MELFORT — A mere hour before Carter Fettes, the valedictorian for the Melfort and Unit Comprehensive Collegiate, gave his speech, he was focused on the future.

MELFORT — A mere hour before Carter Fettes, the valedictorian for the Melfort and Unit Comprehensive Collegiate, gave his speech, he was focused on the future.

When asked what he thought of being finished after 13 years of school, Fettes was quick to say many of the 89 graduates aren’t done yet.

“Most of us are going to university or to do some apprenticeship program but it’s nice to finally go off to a school where you’re going to be learning about what you want,” he said. “You’re going out on your own and turning into an adult.”

He added that’s exciting, but also scary.

The graduates, who had their ceremony June 28, have a wide range of plans, including  engineering, business, trades and seeking employment. Fettes is going to the University of Saskatchewan, with plans to become a veterinarian.

Jerry Heffernan, the school’s principal, said this year’s grads are highly motivated and well-rounded, and will do well in life.

“Since I have my own son graduating, I’ve spent a lot of time with lots of our graduates,” he said.

“We have a lot of great graduates. We’re always going to be [sad] to see them move on but also excited for them at the same time.”

Fettes said he’s graduating with an outstanding group of people

“We’re always there for one another,” he said, adding that while there’s groups among the 89 grads, they come together as a whole. “We’re one big unified group. It’s pretty cool to see.”

During his speech, Fettes focuses on the memories of the past 13 years of school, starting from the sugar highs of Kindergarten, the lack of students wearing deodorant in Grade 8 as they matured, the freedom of a driver’s licence in Grade 10 and the sudden end of it all in Grade 12.

“Our time here will stick with us for the rest of our lives,” he said. “It was fun while it lasted, but it’s nice that it’s over, too.”


Valediction by Carter Fettes

Good morning staff, family, friends, honored guests, and my fellow students. I would like to thank all of you for being here with us on this very special occasion. I am deeply honored to stand here before you today representing the outstanding class of 2018 as we reminisce about these past 13 years.

Well grads, we have done it. Today one chapter of our life is over and a new one begins. Today we transform from high school students into the young men and women we have been shaped and formed into during these past 13 years. These have been a long, grueling, painful, and frustrating 13 years but as we look back we cherish many of the memories we made.

Kindergarten was full of sugar highs, tantrums, and well... more sugar highs. We were all hopped up on sugar buzzing around the classroom trying to get our grubby little hands on anything that could entertain us for even a minute. All of elementary school whirled by like one big recess. All of the sudden we were in Grade 6. The kings and queens of our schools, competing against the savages from the other schools like we were in the Olympics. It is still undecided to this day who the real winner of the inter-school soccer tournament was.

It feels like it wasn’t that long ago we were walking up to those front doors of this giant brick building. We all huddled around the homeroom lists posted on the front doors, fingers crossed we were in the same room as some of our friends and silently hoping we weren’t stuck with the delinquents from the other schools. Grade 7 was filled with high-pitched voices, overactive social media use, and many one week relationships. On behalf of the entire graduating class I would like to apologize to all the teachers who had to deal with those prepubescent children. I don’t know how you all kept your hair through it. Everyone except for Mr. Simpson.

Grade 8 didn’t show much for improvement. It was different, just not really any better. The voices were deeper and the relationships were less frequent, but the personal hygiene was poorly lacking. Many of us did not know that deodorant existed. Some of us still don’t. One of the best moments of Grade 8 occurred in Mr. Froelich’s social studies class while we were studying the lyrics of the national anthem. Mr. Froelich opens his computer and goes on youTube where he proceeds to search for “O’Canada Clean Version”, but before showing it to the class he had to watch it that night first just in case. I didn’t know there could be a dirty version of the national anthem. I can still remember the look of confusion on all of our faces.

Grade 9 rolled around and things were looking up. Most of us had discovered the miracle of showers and deodorant. I remember one day when we were sitting in math class and Beau Stevenson’s feet smelled terrible. He decided to take his socks off and threw them in the garbage can outside Ms. Gordon’s room. 10 minutes later the entire upper floor smelt like Beau’s feet. Next thing you knew there was a school-wide manhunt put on by the teachers searching for Beau. They found him and made him move his socks outside.

Grade 10 rolled around and we all started getting our licences. With them came freedom. Some of us would spend our time cruising around with friends while others, Kadin, were always involved in collisions of some kind. I remember a day in Grade 10 when Brant Berg got hurt at football practice, claimed he broke his ankle and came to school the next day in a boot. We rolled him around in a wheelchair feeling sorry for our wounded teammate. The next day Brant walks into the school and notifies us that his ankle was not broken but just some stretched tendons and bruising.

Grade 11 showed promise. We were all taller, smelled cleaner, and I would like to say we were more mature but that would be a lie. For those of us that took history 20 we were required to make a project. Most wrote essays, or made PowerPoints. Mitchell Clarke decided he would make a full blown tank and even made a potato cannon for on top of it.

Grade 12 showed up out of nowhere and all of the sudden it was all too real. We were graduating at the end of that school year. Nine months later here we are about to make it all happen. Everyone of us has worked for this and deserves nothing less.

Over the years we have spent crammed into the same hallways and classrooms we had no choice but to make memories. Some good and some bad. There was Kris, Ralp, and Daniel singing Bruno Mars hit song Grenade, during French class in Grade 7. Nobody is really sure if that is a good or bad memory. There was the funeral for the snake in Mr. Smith’s class. Or in Biology, every time we had computers Jalen Nelson would distract the class with various cat videos. There are countless other memories we have made with each other. We have had some good times, and definitely some tough times. We have made it through it all as stronger people. The countless memories we have made inside these doors will remain with us forever. All throughout this journey known as high school there have always been people to help us along the way. Whether it was our parents, our friends, or even our teachers. There are so many people that deserve to be thanked for helping each one of us be where we are today.

Our parents have had the most profound influence on shaping us into the men and women we are today. You were always there to catch us when we fell and teach us when we were wrong. You could put up with our bad attitudes and still somehow love us the same. You have stood beside us through thick and thin and have drove us all across the province for some activity of ours. Without your help none of us would be ready to head off into the world on our own. I hope seeing us get our diploma and accomplish our goals while starting this new chapter of our lives makes all the stress, and challenges worth it.

Our teachers were always there to lend a hand to any of us who needed it. They would take time out of their day to make sure we understood everything before the test. They took time away from their families to coach and oversee our various sports teams and extracurricular activities. Thank you teachers for all your hard work in getting us to thisday.

If I can leave you with one thing, it would be the words of Winston Churchill that are as follows “ Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”. You won’t always succeed on the first try. That’s what rewrites are for. But even when we fail we have to pick ourselves up and try again until we get it.

Dream big, aim high, and never settle for anything less. The future is yours. The decisions are now yours to make. Don’t hold back get out there and live each day to the fullest so you never have to look back and wonder “what if…”. I wish the best to all of you and can’t wait to see where life takes us. To the graduating class of 2018, you are now dismissed.