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Marcelin seniors host District #4 SSA meeting

The District 4 Saskatchewan Seniors Association meeting was held in Marcelin April 11, with the Marcelin seniors hosting the event.

The District 4 Saskatchewan Seniors Association meeting was held in Marcelin April 11, with the Marcelin seniors hosting the event.

Seniors travelled from the surrounding communities of Shell Lake, Big River, Leask, Blaine Lake and Prince Albert to attend the meeting.

Billy Caspell pronounced the prayer before Jeanne Lapierre welcomed the seniors and guests. Marcelin Mayor Norman Dejardins presented greetings and welcome to everyone on behalf of council.

Saskatchewan Seniors Association Incorporated president Len Fallows presented greetings and spoke about the importance of seniors being represented as a unified voice. He commented on the $1.87 monthly increase on the Old Age Pension and how it doesn't even keep up with the inflation rate. The SSAI represent the seniors of the province and as a strong unified entity has been effective in lobbying the government on behalf of the seniors.

Vice-president of SSAI, Sheila Righi spoke about the bowling event in Prince Albert and invited everyone to attend.

Sgt. Redlich of the Blaine Lake RCMP detachment gave a presentation on fraud, scams and identity theft. He explained how many seniors are victims and what they can do to prevent it from happening to them.

Lorraine Toth provided musical entertainment. She sang some old-time favourites and was successful in getting audience participation.

The Marcelin Seniors' Centre currently has 37 members and offers a variety of activities throughout the month including a fitness program, games and coffee events and monthly birthday celebrations. Memberships are $10 and, with the breakdown, $4 stays with the local group and the remaining $6 goes to SSAI.

The club has also, through grant money, purchased a television for the centre and has been able to perform some upgrading tasks such as new eavestroughs and siding.

The Marcelin Seniors' Centre is governed by a board of directors and reports to its membership. Executive directors include Jeanne Lapierre as chairperson, Margaret Pampu as vice-chairperson and Muriel Boyer as secretary/treasurer. Directors are Kathy Arstall, Gilbert Lenz and Lucille Gauthier.