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Mervin club has 14 members

The Mervin 4-H Beef Club has had a busy couple of months. The club started up Nov. 5 with a reorganization meeting. General leaders are Misty Kay and Joanne and Rob Bannerman. Blair Macnab is project leader.

The Mervin 4-H Beef Club has had a busy couple of months.

The club started up Nov. 5 with a reorganization meeting.

General leaders are Misty Kay and Joanne and Rob Bannerman. Blair Macnab is project leader.

Club executives are Grayden Kay as president, Rhett Bellanger as vice-president, Sydney Lake as treasurer, Garret Macnab as secretary and Jayden Bannerman as club reporter.

The club has 14 members this year.

The year began by serving lunch at the annual Trees for Life in Mervin. Members also started selling tickets for the annual Christmas hamper draws.

Steers were weighed at Bannerman's farm Dec. 2 and a club meeting was held.

The Christmas hamper draw was made at the Tiger hockey game in Turtleford Dec. 22. The winners of the baskets were: the beef supper - Ella Grant, the junk food basket - Elsie Monteith, the turkey supper - Deb Macfarlane, the breakfast basket - Jamie Phillips, and the ham supper - Cheryl Starnes. The support of those businesses who provided the baskets' contents and all those who bought tickets is appreciated by the members.