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Reel Attractions lends helping hand

by KELLY FRIESEN Journal editor Reel Attractions Cinema and Video went out of their way to put a smile on the face of Ryder Wendt and the rest of his family.


Journal editor

Reel Attractions Cinema and Video went out of their way to put a smile on the face of Ryder Wendt and the rest of his family.

The movie theatre held a fundraiser to raise money for medical and other various expenses that the Wendt family recently had to cover after Ryder severely injured himself when he accidently ran into a truck on his pedal bike. The 11-year-old boy spent over a week in a Saskatoon hospital undergoing four surgeries.

The Wendt family greatly appreciated the theatre's generous gesture.

"A couple friends contacted us about it and we were really happy to see it happen," said Deb Wendt, Ryder's mother. "We have been overwhelmed by the support of friends and people in the community. People have really shown how much they care."

In total, the theatre raised roughly $1,800 for the Wendt family. The funds were raised through charging $5 admission on May 26 to watch Captain America, The First Avenger or How to Train Your Dragon. There was also a silver collection at the door.

"It means a lot because I had to take a leave (of absence) from work and there have been other costs that add up," said Deb Wendt.

Ryder is currently on the road to recovery.

"He's getting better day by day," said Deb Wendt. "Right now he's still in a wheel chair, but he's doing physio three times a week."