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Throwback: Golf club officially opens clubhouse addition

From The Recorder files, July 27, 1988
Grand Opening
Marine Dagg (left) and Lorne Schnell (right) held the ribbon to allow Mayor Maurice Taylor to perform the ribbon cutting ceremony, officially opening the Riverside Golf Course Club House.

The Tisdale Riverside Golf Course officially opened its addition the evening of Friday June 22, [1988] with ribbon cutting ceremony performed by Mayor Maurice Taylor and assistants Mamie Delage and Lorne Schnell.

Chris Keays told The Recorder that the building was completed and operational June 27, 1988. 1 Those who worked towards theĀ  completion of the building were Clarence Reed of CA Reed and Associates, George and Bob Patterson of Patterson Concrete, Guy Brown of Beaver Lumber, Barry McLay of Beeland Co-op, Ed Oleksyn, Mickey Harris of Harris Plumbing and Heating, Bud Hobbs, Gary Skjerpen, Vic Hill and Harold Dagg of Fantasy Flooring, Bruno Lubera, Ralph Balanik and Dennis Franklin, Darrell Resume, Wayne Neilson, Roger Armstrong and Marvin Spagrud of Tisdale Glass, A and E Masonery, Dave Burton, F Tom Patterson, Don Zachow, Farley Simpson, and a number of volunteers who helped by running errands, painting, and other voluntary work.

The new area is large, bright, and comfortable and will certainly enhance the Tisdale Riverside Golf Course.