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Restore balance between needs and ability to pay

Restore balance between needs and ability to pay

Comment and History from a Prairie Perspective
Christmas According to Lucy

Christmas According to Lucy

For us, one of the joys of the 2010 holiday season will be to watch the festivities through the eyes of Lucy. Lucy Christina, our newest grandchild, will be nine months old on the last day of December.
Time for a moratorium on tipping

Time for a moratorium on tipping

I just read a blog posting in which the author was whining about the lack of tipping at a restaurant they worked at. The author quit because some of the customers were allegedly too cheap to tip.
Driver courtesy deteriorating

Driver courtesy deteriorating

Dear Editor We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to a thoughtful person who put a note on the window of our truck to say we had some lug nuts loose on a back wheel. We had just recently had the front wheels rotated to the back at a garage.
Stress can be a positive motivator

Stress can be a positive motivator

Life is challenging. We can view life's issues as problems or as opportunities for growth. There is no question stress impacts weight loss or gain. We also know stress is virtually unavoidable.
Find Rider Prider under the'Z'

Find Rider Prider under the'Z'

This week I spent a few hours at a very small Saskatchewan school where I was asked to perform for their celebration of the virtue of zeal.
In perspective

In perspective

A few weeks ago, just after a somewhat large family gathering and just before another, larger one the next day, we faced a problem. We had too much food to fit into the two refrigerators in the house. Both were simply chock full.
Free tarot readings as the Riders prepare for Grey Cup

Free tarot readings as the Riders prepare for Grey Cup

I once served as MC at a local fundraiser in my village that featured a comedy act, a hypnotist and a another lady who told fortunes by reading tea leaves, by examining palms and interpreting earthly fate, through the magic of tarot cards.
In winter one day becomes like 40 days and 40 nights

In winter one day becomes like 40 days and 40 nights

Ed, my neighbour next door, has a theory about time becoming longer in the winter. The first winter storm this year caught Ed without snow tires and a drive from Yorkton to Melville took twice as long as usual.
Acceptance needed in Middle East

Acceptance needed in Middle East

Leo Kurtenbach (letter published in Humboldt Journal November 3) reveals a distinct bias when he mentions the Israeli bombing of homes, schools and hospitals without mentioning that the terrorists hide among those inside such buildings.