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Carlyle Observer

Dodger rookie has a spectacular start

It doesn't take long for a legend to be created in Hollywood.
I am all in love and you are included

I am all in love and you are included

How do you define love, better yet can you guarantee it? The different forms of the emotion, whether it is storage, agape, phalia or eros is normally, in some way shape or form dependent on you.

Arcola Antique Ag Daze promises two days of solid entertainment

This weekend people from Arcola and surrounding communities will have the opportunity to participate in two days of entertainment, sports, food and just some good plain fun.

Rider Insider

You would truly have to be here at 2013 Roughrider training camp to believe it. And this is no exaggeration. The talent assembled by Rider GM Brendan Taman and his staff reads like a veritable CFL All-Star team.

UC Chimes: Truth makes you free

When I was a teenager, a high school teacher told us, "love makes you blind!" Without knowing the true meaning of it, at that time, most of our friends tried to become blind anyway. Of course I also almost became blind.
Norman Edgar Truman

Norman Edgar Truman

TRUMAN, Norman Edgar It is with sadness that the family of Norman Truman announces his passing on June 9, 2013 at the age of 87.

Gordon F. Kells High School Cougar Corner

The Student Leadership Team is having a free Fathers' Day Pancake Breakfast on Friday, June 14. Everyone is welcome. The SLT is also participating in "We Create Change.
Envision Counseling sees success in Carlyle

Envision Counseling sees success in Carlyle

Envision Counseling has had a successful first year in Carlyle, servicing a number of families in need of support. The doors of Envision opened to help aid families dealing with crises.

Urbanization and the hog sector

While the hog industry remains buffeted by high grain prices and, at least in Saskatchewan, a tight labour market, the longer term concern has to remain public perception of the industry.

Another Triple Crown for Cabrera?

How about a triple crown of Triple Crowns? Back-to-back-to-back! Baseball has records it believes are untouchable: Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak; and Johnny Vander Meer's consecutive no-hitters.