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Above average yields reported

Harvest is underway in all regions of the province. While harvest is behind the five year average for this time of year, above average yields are being reported for most areas.

Harvest is underway in all regions of the province. While harvest is behind the five year average for this time of year, above average yields are being reported for most areas.

Warm weather and very few rain interruptions over the past week has helped speed crop development. Five per cent of the 2013 provincial crop has been combined while 14 per cent has been swathed or is ready to straight cut according to the Saskatchewan Agriculture Weekly Report.

The five year average is 15 per cent combined with 22 per cent swathed or ready to straight cut. Harvest operations in the southwest region are the furthest ahead with 14 per cent of the 2013 crop combined.

Across the province, 34 per cent of peas, 20 per cent of lentils, 27 per cent of winter wheat and 10 per cent of mustard have been combined. Twenty-six per cent of canola has been swathed. Spring cereals are maturing and in some areas producers have started swathing or are ready to straight cut the crops.