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Saskatchewan announces time capsule contents

Kevin Doherty, Minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission, recently revealed what will be going into the new 2012 time capsule.

Kevin Doherty, Minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission, recently revealed what will be going into the new 2012 time capsule. The contents will help describe to a future generation of Saskatchewan citizens what our province and Legislative Building looked like in 2012.

"The 2012 time capsule represents today's Saskatchewan: a province that is growing, that has a strong economy and that is filled with optimism," Doherty said. "It shows the vision and the spirit of the people as we look forward to the future."

Members of the public were asked to submit suggestions as to what should go into this new time capsule. People were able to do so by mail, email or in person with the cornerstone time capsule suggestion box at the Legislative Building.

An advisory committee was formed in March 2012 and was responsible for reviewing numerous suggestions that came in. The committee selected the final items based on a list of categories and set criteria with recommendations from other ministries in specific subject areas.

The 2012 time capsule will be sealed closer to the end of this calendar year in order to allow the committee time to gather all of the items that represent this milestone year. Once the contents have been deposited into the time capsule by a conservator, the bottom will be sealed using tungsten inert gas welding. Argon will be pumped into the time capsule through a valve to remove any air or moisture before it is ready to be placed back inside the Legislative Building's original cornerstone.